Pauper Database
(25 Card Cube)
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
25 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by JammerSoul
Mana Pool$115.12

This is a is a database for all Pauper Cube cards from all Core Sets and Expansion sets only.

Cards to be Added
Core Set #001 Alpha (Limited Edition) (LEA) -

Expansion Set #001 Arabian Nights (ARN) - 25 Commons*
Expansion Set #002 Antiquities (ATQ)
Expansion Set #003 Legends (LEG)
Expansion Set #004 The Dark (DRK)
Expansion Set #005 Fallen Empires (FEM)
Expansion Set #006 Ice Age (ICE)
Expansion Set #007 Homelands (HML)
Expansion Set #008 Alliances (ALL)
Expansion Set #009 Mirage (MIR)
Expansion Set #010 Visions (VIS)
Expansion Set #011 Weatherlight (WTH)
Expansion Set #012 Tempest (TMP)
Expansion Set #013 Stronghold (STH)
Expansion Set #014 Exodus (EXO)
Expansion Set #015 Urza's Saga (USG)
Expansion Set #016 Urza's Legacy (ULG)
Expansion Set #017 Urzza's Destiny (UDS
Expansion Set #018 Mercadian Masques (MMQ)
Expansion Set #019 Nemesis (NEM)
Expansion Set #020 Prophecy (PCY)
Expansion Set #021 Invasion (INV)
Expansion Set #022 Planeshift (PLS)
Expansion Set #023 Apocalypse (APC)
Expansion Set #024 Odyssey (ODY)
Expansion Set #025 Torment (TOR)
Expansion Set #026 Judgment (JUD)
Expansion Set #027 Onslaught (ONS)
Expansion Set #028 Legions (LGN)
Expansion Set #029 Scourge (SCG)
Expansion Set #030 Mirrodin (MRD)
Expansion Set #031 Darksteel (DST)
Expansion Set #032 Fifth Dawn (5DN)
Expansion Set #033 Champions of kamigawa (CHK)
Expansion Set #034 Betrayers of Kamigawa (BOK)
Expansion Set #035 Saviors of Kamigawa (SOK)
Expansion Set #036 Ravnica: City of Guilds (RAV)
Expansion Set #037 Guildpact (GPT)
Expansion Set #038 Dissension (DIS)
Expansion Set #039 Coldsnap (CSP)
Expansion Set #040 Time Spiral (TSP)
Expansion Set #041 Planar Chaos (PLC)
Expansion Set #042 Future Sight (FUT)
Expansion Set #043 Lorwyn (LRW)
Expansion Set #044 Morningtide (MOR)
Expansion Set #045 Shadowmoor (SHM)
Expansion Set #046 Eventide (EVE)
Expansion Set #047 Shads of Alara (ALA)
Expansion Set #048 Conflux (CON)
Expansion Set #049 Alara Reborn (ARB)
Expansion Set #050 Zendikar (ZEN)
Expansion Set #051 Worldwake (WWK)
Expansion Set #052 Rise of the Eldrazi (ROE)
Expansion Set #053 Scars of Mirrodin (SOM)
Expansion Set #054 Mirrodin Besieged (MBS)
Expansion Set #055 New Phyrexia (NPH)
Expansion Set #056 Innistrad (ISD)
Expansion Set #057 Dark Ascension (DKA)
Expansion Set #058 Avacyn Restored (AVR)
Expansion Set #059 Return to Ravnica (RTR)
Expansion Set #060 Gatecrash 9GTC)
Expansion Set #061 Dragon's Maze (DGM)
Expansion Set #062 Theros (THS)
Expansion Set #063 Born of the Gods (BNG)
Expansion Set #064 Journey to Nyx (JOU)
Expansion Set #065 Khans of Tarkir (KTK)
Expansion Set #066 Fate Reforged (FRF)
Expansion Set #067 Dragons of Tarkir (DTK)
Expansion Set #068 Battle for Zendikar (BFZ)
Expansion Set #069 Oath of the Gatewatch (OGW)
Expansion Set #070 Shadows Over Innistrad (SOI)
Expansion Set #071 Eldritch Moon (EMN)
Expansion Set #072 Kaladesh (KLD)
Expansion Set #073 Aether Revolt (AER)
Expansion Set #074 Amonkhet (AKH) - 101 Commons
Expansion Set #075 Hour of Devastation (HOU) - 70 Commons
Expansion Set #076 Ixalan (XLN) - 101 Commons
Expansion Set #077 Rivals of Ixalan (RIX) - 70 Commons
Expansion Set #078 Dominaria (DOM) - 101 Commons
Expansion Set #079 Guilds of Ravnica (GRN) - 111 Commons
Expansion Set #080 Ravnica Allegiance (RNA) - 111 Commons
Expansion Set #081 War of the Spark (WAR) - 101 Commons
Expansion Set #082 Throne of Eldraine (ELD) - 101 Commons
Expansion Set #083 Theros Beyond Death (THB) - 101 Commons
Expansion Set #084 Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths (IKO) - 111 Commons
Expansion Set #085 Zendikar Rising (ZNR) - 101 Commons
Expansion Set #086 Kaldheim (KHM) - 111 Commons (Technically 121 due to the snow basic lands)
Expansion Set #087 Strixhaven: School of Mages (STX) - 105 Commons
Expansion Set #088 Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms (AFR) - 101 Commons
Expansion Set #089 Innistrad: Midnight Hunt (MID) - 100 Commons
Expansion Set #090 Innistrad: Crimson Vow (VOW) - 100 Commons
Expansion Set #091 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty (NEO) - 117 Commons
Expansion Set #092 Streets of New Capenna (SNC) - 101 Commons
Expansion Set #093 Dominaria United (DMU) - 101 Commons
Expansion Set #094 The Brothers' War (BRO) - 101 Commons
Expansion Set #095 Phyrexia: All Will Be One (ONE) - 101 Commons
Expansion Set #096 March of the Machine (MOM) - 116 Commons
Expansion Set #097 Wilds of Eldraine (WOE) - 101 Commons
Expansion Set #098 The Lost Caverns of Ixalan (LCI) - 108 Commons

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