PDX High Powered Peasant Cube
(290 Card Cube)
PDX High Powered Peasant Cube
Art by Mike RaabeArt by Mike Raabe
290 Card Unpowered Peasant Legacy+ Cube3 followers
Designed by PdxCuber
Mana Pool$1506.85

Hey all! This cube design is based off ilovecookies18 Micro Powered Cube with inspiration from andorak's https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/definitivemini cube.

This cube is:
-Designed for 2-6 Players
-Power Maxed
-All archetypes supported
-Plentiful fixing

wubrg Color Identities wubrg

r: Aggro, Burn, Aristocrats
u: Control, Bounce, Artifact Combo
w: Aggro, Midrange, Taxes, Tokens
g: Ramp, Midrange/Stompy, Channel Combo
b: Discard, Midrange/Control, Reanimator, Aristocrats

Cultivating a package to include 7-8 is in the works. This is looking to include more artifact support/payoffs as well as some diversity in color options.

Since I will often play with newer players, here is a small overview of some of the more confusing Mechanics in the cube. Players are always encouraged to ask questions at any point of the draft.

Confusing Mechanics

Planeswalkers: Planeswalkers stay on the battlefield and give you small effects written on them. They have life points that when reduced to zero will have them die. This can be done by choosing to attack them with creatures or dealing them damage with spells like "Lightning bolt" that state "Do three damage to any target." Planeswalkers can have static affects which are written under their picture that say what they always do what they do when they are on the field. They also have one time per turn affects that they can do by taking a point of loyalty (the number of health they have) and then doing the affect.

Monarch: At the beginning of your end step, draw a card.
Whenever a creature deals combat damage to you, its controller becomes the monarch.

Channel: Discard this card from your hand to do an affect for the cost written to the right of the word channel on a card. For example, the card Touch the Spirit Realm has the word "Channel: white and a colorless to do this different affect. "
This does not count as casting the card so they can not be counter spelled if they are being channeled.

Deathtouch: Any amount of damage this creature deals to another creature is enough to kill it. baleful strix

You may pay (x): (X) is the variable of mana you can afford to pay into it. High school math coming back to haunt you.

Storm: When you play a card with storm, copy that spell for each other card you have cast before it this turn.

Exile and then return to the battlefield: You are having a card leave and reenter the battlefield. This means cards that state "When this creature
enters the battlefield do X" happens again. Also, if something is the target of something and it gets "Exile and then return to the battlefield" it will no longer be the target of that spell.

Devotion: Your devotion to a color is the number of colored symbols in the upper right hand corner of cards that you have on the battlefield. Lands do not have a devotion count.

Transform: This is mostly on a few green creatures. This means when a certain criteria is met flip the card over to the back side.

Sacrifice a creature: A creature from the battlefield on your side goes to the graveyard to pay that cost of have an affect happen.

As an additional cost to cast this spell: When you see this on a card, this means that as well as the mana cost in the upper right hand side of the card, you will also need to meet the requirements that the card is asking to cast the spell.

Reach: Creatures with reach can block creatures with flying even though they do not have flying themselves.

Trample: If you have a 7/7 Trampler and your opponent blocks with a 1/1 creature, your creature will deal 1 damage to the 1/1 and the spill over of 6 damage will go to the defending player. This only works with attacking with trample. If you block with a trample creature you do not do the excess damage.

2-w2-u2-b2-r2-g These symbles mean you can pay the color on the card or 2 of any color. Spectral Procession

Specific Cards

: The long paragraph means you can take any creature from a graveyard and put it on your side of the board. That creature gets -1 power and if the enchantment Animate Dead goes away, the creature goes back to its original graveyard.

: You can bring a creature back on your turn and it stays around. Or if you bring it back not on your opponent's turn it goes away at the end of the turn.

Pay 2 green mana, after this you can spend one life to get 1 colorless mana for the rest of your turn. This card pairs great with large colorless threats you want to turbo out early like Ulamog's Crusher or Sphinx of the guildpact.

: At the start of your draw step you may look at two extra cards. Keep these three cards separate from the other cards in your hand and decide if you want to keep 1, 2, or all three of them. For each card past the 1st one you pay 4 life. You may place the cards back in any order.

Currently not in cube!

After this spell has resolved, pick an Instant card from your hand and put it "under" the scepter. Each time you pay 2 mana and can tap the scepter, you can play that card "under" the scepter. This is great for powerful affects that you would want multiple uses out of.

Currently not in cube!

You can choose to cast either side of this card.
Discard: A card goes straight from your hand to the graveyard. Unless you have a different card that says otherwise.

: This is a blue card that you will use to sacrifice little small artifacts to bring out a big artifact without having to pay the big amount of mana for it. For example if you have a "Lotus Petal" on the battlefield and you play tinker for three mana and sacrificing the lotus petal, you can look through your deck and pull out a "God-Pharaoh's Statue" without paying the 6 cost for the statue.

Currently not in cube!

: If you pay 5 mana once it is on the battlefield, the card flips over into a stronger back side of the card. This can be helpful if you don't have anything else to spend mana on or if you draw it late in the game and a 2/1 creature wont be doing a lot.

: This can be used to return your creatures or your opponents creatures.

Currently not in cube!

: One of the only "creature type matters" cards in the cube. A lot of the green creatures in the cube are green so having a small little army in a can/reward for going mono green.

Mainboard Changelist+0, -1
Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0
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