
Cube ID
Art by Mike BurnsArt by Mike Burns

576 Card Silver-bordered Set Cube

Designed by DungeonMiniBossRSSQR Code

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Acorn Commander Cube

Commander Legends style draft, 4 packs per player with 18 cards each (3 being contraptions/attractions) and at least one legendary creature to use as your commander.

Rather than picking one card per pack you pick two cards at once.

Planeswalkers are also allowed to be used as commanders and the deck must be 60 cards of your commanders color identity (duplicates are allowed).


wu: Name Stickers

wu: Widgets (Artifacts)

ub: Die Rolling Control

br: High Roll

rg: Mass Die-Rolling

rg: Contraptions

gw: Ability Stickers

gw: Host/Augment

wb: Hats Matter

ur: Art Stickers

bg: Attraction Attraction

bg: Squirrels

rw: Clown Robots

gu: Power/Toughness Stickers

gu: Dice Rolling

There are more synergies to try so keep an open eye