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High Synergy
(540 Card Cube)
High Synergy
Cube ID
Art by Terese NielsenArt by Terese Nielsen
540 Card Cube5 followers
Designed by niallmccarthy
Mana Pool$1167.88

Super high synergy cube with power level intentionally lowered in many places. Trying for highly interactive decks with many
decision points, and looking to skew away from general cube good stuff type of decisions. The largest payoffs in the cube should
be synergy/engine based.You do not haveto be in one of those decks to be successful and there are plenty of good stuff decks that
can be built here, but I wanted drafters (and myself) to have a reason to stray away from those things.Intentionally Supported
ArchetypesOne ColorW - White WeenieU - DevotionB - UndeadR -G - DevotionTwo ColorEach guild's gold cards signal what the deck
intends to do and are some of the most important engine parts for each of those decks.UW - BlinkUB - Saboteurs // Self-MillRB - RB
Aristocrats // Reanimator (minor)RG - LandsGW - Tokens // Lands (Minor)BW - AristocratsBG - Graveyard Recursion and ValueUG - Ramp
UR - SpellsRW - Spells Matter // ControlThree Color

One three color card was chosen for each combination. This card when drafted comes with a tri-land with the hope that mana won't
stop you from playing a sweet card that will supercharge an engine.

Bant - Go-Wide Tempo

Esper - Efficient Control

Grixis - Spells

Jund - Lands

Naya - Tokens

Abzan - Tokens

Jeskai - Spells

Sultai - Graveyard

Mardu - Reanimator // Tap Out Control

Temur - Elementals

Cube Modifiers

  • All 'undead' creatures should be treated as a single creature type. This includes Skeletons, Zombies, Shades, Demons, Spirits
    and Vampires - Bonuses that effect one should effect all

  • All cards with three colors in it's initial CMC (no Alesha, Tasigur, etc.) will receive a tri-land

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