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Crabbeh's Commander Cube
(727 Card Cube)
Crabbeh's Commander Cube
Cube ID
Art by Donato GiancolaArt by Donato Giancola
727 Card Commander Legacy+ Cube3 followers
Designed by chriswhite93
Mana Pool$8564.95

This is my Commander Cube! Draft a 50 card deck (with commander, average of 20 lands), and play either a 1v1 or a FFA with 25 life. Unlike most commander cubes, this one is designed specifically with 1v1 Commander in mind! Special draft rules include a starting pack of Commanders (6-10 depending on player count) and 60 cards drafted (either across four or five packs). Each player receives a Command Tower for free to use in their decks at the end of the draft. Any legendary creature or legal Planeswalker (like Lord Windgrace) can be your commander.

Typical EDH rules regarding Commander damage apply, although the rules around color identity are a little looser. Instead of preventing players from playing cards outside of their color identity, players can play any card they want, but they may not make colored mana that isn't in their Commander's color identity. This allows players to include hybrid cards and other cards like Noble Hierarch in their decks. We've found that this rules change opens up drafting and allows for hybrid cards to be played the way that WotC intended them to be played.

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