Small Themes
(401 Card Cube)
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
401 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by Findalion
Mana Pool$1528.65

This cube features some less common themes, offering 25+ cards in support of each major theme/category, and 10-15 cards in support of each minor theme with the suggestion to combine two (for example, a foods strategy can be a combination of the token theme and life gain theme). There are plenty of versatile/good supporting cards such that a mono-theme deck is easily draftable.

Some Themes:

Cycling/Madness bru

-1/-1 Counters

Artifact Tokens:

Food wgb

Treasure brg

Thopters/Constructs uw



Heroes (target me!) wub

Landfall gub

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