School of Roke
(360 Card Cube)
Art by Raoul VitaleArt by Raoul Vitale
360 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by SaruMan
Mana Pool$191.34

A cube that cares about the names of cards.

Rather than playing as many cards that care about being played in multiples as possible, this cube selects a few cards of that kind for each color and then tries to build synergy around them.

— Wolves are Dogs
— Gnolls are creature type Cat Dog
— Whenever you draft a Shadowborn Apostle you gain a second copy of that card to your draft pool

WU: Skies
UB: Zombies
BR: Sacrifice
RG: Power Matters / Zoo
WG: Cats
WB: Cleric Lifegain
UR: Spells & Card Draw
BG: Elves
RW: Go-Wide Dogs
UG: Card Draw