Clone of Old Bordered Legacy Cube
(540 Card Cube)
Clone of Old Bordered Legacy Cube
Art by Douglas ShulerArt by Douglas Shuler
540 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by benji
Mana Pool$23547.01

Cloned from Old Bordered Legacy Cube

Color archetypes and key roles:[
W - White Weenie, control support, enchantress
U - Control, Combo
B - Aggro, Reanimator
R - Aggro, Artifacts
G - Ramp, Madness, Enchantress
wu - Classic control
ub - Reanimator, Storm
br - Midrange board/hand control
rg - Ramp beatdow
gw - Enchantress
wb - Midrange, Reanimator
bg - Good stuff
gu - Madness, Draw Ramp, Storm
ur - Spells, artifacts
rw - Aggro

Card Choices
It is mostly original old-border cards from Alpha to Scourge, but also has many new retro-border cards. I think that these help enable, support and add consistency to various archetypes, as well as provide exciting modern sensibilities to an older card pool.