Cloned from Old Bordered Legacy Cube
Color archetypes and key roles:[
W - White Weenie, control support, enchantress
U - Control, Combo
B - Aggro, Reanimator
R - Aggro, Artifacts
G - Ramp, Madness, Enchantress
wu - Classic control
ub - Reanimator, Storm
br - Midrange board/hand control
rg - Ramp beatdow
gw - Enchantress
wb - Midrange, Reanimator
bg - Good stuff
gu - Madness, Draw Ramp, Storm
ur - Spells, artifacts
rw - Aggro
Card Choices
It is mostly original old-border cards from Alpha to Scourge, but also has many new retro-border cards. I think that these help enable, support and add consistency to various archetypes, as well as provide exciting modern sensibilities to an older card pool.