Kirblinx's Type 4 Communal Stack
(562 Card Cube)
Kirblinx's Type 4 Communal Stack
Cube ID
Art by Ryan Alexander LeeArt by Ryan Alexander Lee
562 Card Cube14 followers
Designed by Kirblinx
Mana Pool$833.69

This is my Type 4 stack.

If you are new to the world of Type 4 here is a quick run down:

Standard Rules - These are the rules that all Type 4 lists obey by and what the format is all about.

Infinite Mana: You have infinite mana of every colour and type (even snow mana). This is the main draw to type 4 as it allows you to play with many big junky rares that you would never be able to play with otherwise.

One Spell Per Turn: Each player may only cast one spell per turn. This is each individual turn, so you can play an instant during everyone else's turn. The key to Type 4 is finding ways around the "one spell per turn" restriction, such as activated abilities (Cycling, Channel, etc.) and lands.

House Rules - These are the rules that govern my stack (gameplay-wise and building philosophies).
Singular Library: Everyone draws from the same library. This is why it is a 'communal' stack. If anything gets put on the bottom or is shuffled into the library, just remove it from the game. The library and exile zones are the only things communal among players, everyone has their own graveyard, battlefield and hand.

Hand Size: You start with 5 cards in hand and you have a maximum hand size of 5. This was after a bit of trail and error as it let you have a variety of options throughout the game and it doesn't let anyone who hit a bit card drawing spell to continue to hit counters and draw spells to lock everyone else out.

Handling Infinity: If two effects are repeatedly used on top of each other, the defensive ability always wins (the instigator is always the loser). This makes cards like Azorious Guildmage and New-Prahv Guildmage quite the powerhouse.

No Errata: To save confusion all cards are as written and there is no 'alternate casting cost' rule so any spell cast via an alternate cost (like morph) count as your spell for the turn.

No Instant Wins: Should be pretty obvious but no Fireball-esque cards or hastey firebreathers (Hellkite Overlord) are allowed. One-Hit-KO's are fine, but as long as you have to wait until your next turn for it to work like Door To Nothingness.

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