Cloned from Mad Peasant
Welcome to the Mad Peasant Cube!I was inspired to make this cube on the basis of the "signpost uncommons", that help to quickly grasp what is going on.
Design goals: A format that is easy to draft even for relatively new players, while still providing some depth in draft and gameplay.
You will, therefore, find 10 intended archetypes build into the cube - one for each color pair.
The archetypes are only intended, so feel free to mix and match or go completely off-track!
GB Selfmill:Besides Spider Spawning shenanigans there is a reanimation theme utilizing enchantment based reanimation.
GR Ramp:Ramp with land auras and cast big X-spells.
GW Enchantress:Build your pillow fort and let the shrines finish them. for bonus shrines! There are 3 in white and green plus 1 in each other color.
Goblins goblins and more goblins. Fewer on- and off-ramps, but to say it with flavortext: Every once in a while, when they aren’t getting incinerated in lava, crushed under rock slides, or devoured by dragons, goblins experience moments of unmitigated glory in battle.
Sling-Gang Lieutenant and Mad Auntie in black as well as in your gold cards.
Muster. Equip. Attack!
UB Control:The classic.
UG Proliferate:Let it grow out of control!
UR Artifacts:Beat them down with under costed flyers that hit like a truck or combo them out? The choice is up to you.
UW Flying:Blue white aggression.
WB Aristocrats:Nothing is sacred. Sacrifice your creatures and even your artifacts to further your goals.