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It's a Conspiracy! [100% Conspiracy Themed Cube, no other sets]
(540 Card Cube)
It's a Conspiracy! [100% Conspiracy Themed Cube, no other sets]
Cube ID
Art by Jason FelixArt by Jason Felix
540 Card Set Cube2 followers
Designed by Jovinus
Mana Pool$451.61

A cube based on both Conspiracy sets. It's ideally meant to be played in a 4 player multiplayer setting similar to that of the
original conspiracy drafts.
For the unaware, the two Conspiracy sets are designed for multiplayer play, as well as having cards which impact the overall
drafting process of the game as well. This means that a careful balance of cards which impacts the draft and cards for the deck
needs to be considered.

Due to the powered nature of the cube (Although all cards are from both Conspiracy sets, there are more rares/mythics than you
would otherwise get from normal boosters) it is recommended that starting life totals start at 30 when playing this.
A careful balance between making sure that all deck archetypes from both sets appearing as well as included most cards found
within the two sets was made to ensure that there was a healthy balance of different types of decks can be formed. For each of the
5 main colours there are roughly 2-3 different archetypes, with some cards being exlusive for a certain type of deck with others
being able to be a safe include in multiple different decks.
It's advised that players draft with 2 colour decks being the main focus, with potential 3 colour decks being possible if the
player draws mana fixing (or wishes splash for certain cards that catch their eye)

  • U/W Democracy (Additional Voting + cards/effects that care about/alter voting, will of the council + council's guidance)
  • U/W Fliers (Focuses on flying creatures with a minor flicker subtheme with etb triggers)
  • B/W Aristrocats/Monarch (Death & Taxes themed cards utiling Monarch, minor voting matters)
  • R/W Defenders (Defender creates and creatures supporting defender, stalling effects)
  • G/W Ramp (Mainly ramp into big threats, mild group hug theme)
  • U/B Control (Hard removal/control of creatures, creatures with incremental advantage)
  • U/R Dethtrone (Incremental advantage of creatures with dethrone, instans/sorceries subtheme)
  • U/G Ramp (Mainly ramp into big threats, mild group hug theme)
  • R/B Monarch (Aggressive monarch creatures)
  • R/G Tokens (Building tokens and going wide, with pump effects)
  • B/G Morbid (Incremental advantage with having creatures die, midrange)

Keep in mind that there are artifact creatures and conspiracy that may drastically change the deck and cause it to become
something that is otherwise unexpected
The two main problems cards that i'm looking to remove in the near future are both Sovereign's Realm and Weight Advantage

Sovereign's Realm causes players to simply draft the best card in each pack every pick, which causes them to have an absurdly
powerful deck that can not usually be dealt with, whereas there are plenty of creatures which have higher toughness compared to
power. Having 3 mana 4/4's and 4 mana 6/6's with upsides could be problematic.

Mainboard Changelist+540, -0
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