Nostalgia Cube v3
(450 Card Cube)
Nostalgia Cube v3
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
450 Card Powered Vintage Cube0 followers
Designed by BlindOracle
Mana Pool$43015.28

A major revision for the cube that's been a consideration to add to my game room for a long time. Many of the initial balanced cards and archetypes have been loosened and replaced with older copies of cards, while a few original strategies are still valid.

Being much less stringent has led to some more interesting builds, instead of the narrow color-aligned strategies of more current set design. Some example deck types that have been successfully drafted thus far:

UB Reanimator
WB Token Sacrifice
GUw Opposition
UBR Tempo / Control
Ux Robots / Time Vault Combo

Current wishlist for old borders: Recruit the Worthy, Think Twice, Shivan Wumpus, Ancient Grudge, original art Eternal Witness, Mishra Tamer of Mak Fawa, Kolaghan's Command, Heroic Reinforcements, and the Thriving lands.

The R Goblins theme just seems lacking, but not sure what to really build it out to.

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