Clone of Aleatory's Synergy Twobert
(180 Card Cube)
Clone of Aleatory's Synergy Twobert
Art by Eelis KyttanenArt by Eelis Kyttanen
180 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by Returntoturn
Mana Pool$135.27

Cloned from Aleatory's Synergy Twobert

This is my main cube. I update it with pre-release cards I get, and order cards that I think will fit the themes and/or change it up. Generally a midrange, grindy cube, with medium interaction and a medium power level. The focus of the cube is on synergy and multicolor bleed.

To be played by two people, drafting the burn draft variant Minneapolis draft: 9 card packs, pick 1/2/2/1/Burn 3. 8 packs, for 48 total cards in your pool to build from. This draft sees 80% of the total 180 card pool.

wu Blink. Get values from your ETBs, then repeat them by flickering them.
wb Lifegain. Gain life to trigger your cards, then spend it to close the game.
wr Exile. Exile cards from your graveyard or library to grow your creatures or cast more cards.
wg +1/+1 Counters. Grow your team or make a huge monster then smash in for the win.
ub Reanimator. Pitch big monsters into your graveyard then bring them straight to the battlefield.
ur Draw 2. Draw 2 cards a turn and make a huge board while trimming down your opponents.
ug Big Mana. Ramp as big as you want then cast the biggest things you can find.
br Sacrifice. Trade in your expendable tokens for value.
bg Creature death. Fill up your bin with creatures, and get value from them being there.
rg Go wide. Create as many creatures as you can and get rewards for doing it.