The Altered Cube
(580 Card Cube)
The Altered Cube
Art by David “Help Me” MartinArt by David “Help Me” Martin
580 Card Powered Cube26 followers
Designed by Jarizos32

Design Philosophy

Imagine receiving a pack and taking a second to see the brush strokes, the unique color palettes and the diversity in style instead of glossing over and slamming your pick. This is the type of environment I wanted to curate; an environment where we appreciate the many alter artists of Magic the Gathering all in one place. For the most part, I let contributing artists choose what they want to paint, giving them little to no direction. While the styles of art presented in this cube may be of no particular theme or subject matter, I hope that all of its drafters find a piece to marvel over.

Artists found in this cube: Inz0mnic, Wizzarrior, CarrotCake, DurdlingAround, ArtDark, Big-Snake, NoLands, Sono, Dai, Ondal the Fool, Poxy14, David Thierree, Tentz, Rocky, Jackedupp, Neeoco, Jesus, A.V, Mother of Cards, Link&Log, Moronic Freak, Big Up, Demonium, Baypaint, Alterland, MIB, Azzurra Lupaxya, Mlsn Art, DSP, Franchy, Wideenalters, BLVK, Micha, Karl Walker, Patricio, SadRobot, Nando, Jom, DMP, ModFly, Atlas, Indra, izidio, Jwipri, Gibby, Jan, LueyDragon, Seesic, S2, Sawatarix, Artist Proofs painted or drawn by their illustrators.

mBreaking Singletonm






mSpecial rulesm

1.eCompanions play as printed.e

2.sAlongside normal basics, Snow basics and Wastes are available for Field of the Dead and Glaring Fleshrakers

3.uMeloku the Clouded Mirror is the Spanish misprint version. Meloku is a cherished card that has fallen off in power level, but thankfully a natural misprint version has been printed. In the Spanish version, Meloku makes 2/2 tokens instead of the intended 1/1 tokensu

4.r-bWhen Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar is drafted, receive two copies of the underworld cookbookr-b

mPack Structurem

  1. Doubles are seeded (2 slots per pack)
  2. Top 24 cards are seeded (1 slot per pack)

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