The Creatureless Cube
(391 Card Cube)
The Creatureless Cube
Art by Franz VohwinkelArt by Franz Vohwinkel
391 Card Cube54 followers
Designed by beeks
Mana Pool$1545.77
The Creatureless Cube

For those who love to build engines (and those who love to disrupt them)

Design Goals

The original question posed by this cube was "what would Magic look like with no creatures on the battlefield?" The answer (it would be pretty boring) was found rather quickly, and this cube is the result of my unwillingness to throw away that idea entirely. While you will not cast any creature spells, there will be plenty of creatures on the battlefield, and many games will be won via combat. Most decks will aim to assemble synergy pieces and win from there.

Format Speed and Removal

The Creatureless Cube aims to have a gameplay experience at a speed that lets most decks to do the thing they want to do. While you won't see too many curve-out aggro decks, decks with an assertive game plan will get under durdly decks that don't have board presence. There is a good amount of instant speed interaction for noncreature permanents. The removal for creatures is generally more expensive and/or sorcery speed. Despite the amount of answers, you will have a hard time winning without developing a game plan.

A Warning to the Uninitiated

Because of the unique design constraint of this environment, you may be unfamiliar with many of these cards. While I did cut some cards for wordiness, be prepared to read. Notably, many cards in this cube play better or just differently than they would elsewhere. For this reason, you should be prepared to re-evaluate cards within the context of the cube.

Mana Fixing

The mana fixing is fairly good (MH2 bridges, double shocks, triomes, artifacts, a mish-mash of 10 of the two-colored creature lands that I think play the best here), but there are no fetches or original duals. The entire cube is singleton except for shocks. Depending on how highly you draft lands, you will likely end up in ~3 colors. There are no payoffs for going five color or for having basics of different types. You want to draft fixing to be able to play your spells (or because you drafted Field of the Dead), not to play 5 color good stuff, because raw power will likely not get you wins against a tuned synergy deck.


As I've grown more confident with my ability to curate an enjoyable experience with this cube, I have begun to step away from the original design of archetypes by shard. You will see themes emerge as you draft, and I encourage you to try to navigate the space between archetypes, but here are some packages you can expect to see:

Attrition, discard, lands, control, artifact aggro, artifact go-wide, enchantment flicker, enchantment reanimator, artifact ramp, go-wide aggro, big boys, lifegain, aristocrats, big mana, etc.

I highly encourage you to find something interesting and build around it rather than decide you're in certain colors and draft those cards. Most of all, have fun with it!

daxos's torment is just so so broken, and it's been proven by several events worth of 3-0 lists.

demonic pact and daxos's torment are both made even more egregious by estrid's invocation, but invocation has way more play than demonic pact does, so pact is out as well.

frantic search was part of a previous untap package that oopsies goes infinite with breach and brain freeze. kiora was another part of this package and it doesn't make sense to only have one piece for it. all the other untap stuff is artifact based.

smokestack/doom foretold are other remnants of packages that can't keep up with power creep.

diamonds only served to make paradox engine decks better and weren't really taken in big game decks.

awakening zone is out of pie. glare of subdual is a bit too good because it compounds advantages of having creatures out, especially with bridge lands.

anduril is both too good and not good enough. just kind of an annoying card.

dying to serve is already out for chariot. keeping an eye on chariot being too good, but i'm just happy to give juice to some strategies that aren't esper

return to dust is so brutal. exiling two things was just too much. true love's kiss is ever so slightly worse; we'll see if we need to keep going down from there.

makeshift munitions is out for goblin bombardment. aggro has been struggling and in general artifacts/game objects decks haven't opted to play makeshift munitions. let's see if bombardment looks better to low to the ground decks.

w&6 finally back in to give some more juice to lands decks.
unstoppable plan in because wilderness rec for nonlands is neat.
renewed solidarity is an attempt to buff aggro a bit and also see what people can do with it.
valor's flagship almost came in for parhelion, but 1) the cube could use one more cheaty flicker target, 2) this enables itself as a reanimation target, and 3) it has a good and in-pie backup option in the 1/1s.
on wings of gold was not gonna come in until i read one or more. could be cool for grindy green decks that run stuff like conduit of worlds.
rocketeer boostbuggy is GAS for aggro decks.
haunt the network gives UB a reason to consider artifacts/control over just jamming enchantments.

still have 9 more adds to get back to 400 but honestly it's 3 am and i've had a few beers hehe. it's always nice to have too many slots rather than too few, so you're welcome, future me!

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