A Better Jumpstart Cube
(577 Card Cube)
A Better Jumpstart Cube
Art by Ryan YeeArt by Ryan Yee
577 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by potionseller
Mana Pool$2720.57
Welcome to Better Jumpstart!

This is a project meant to mesh the experience goals of jumpstart and cube. Each pack is made with synergy in mind and should share at least some common themes with each other pack. As the cube expands, this will become thinner and thinner, but we're still going to try.

Design Philosophy

Using @michael921's guide as a baseline, this cube focuses on binding packs together with common themes. Each color has 5 themes (subject to change), and each of those themes shares at least 2 cards in common with the other themes. The 5th theme for each color is counters, this way every pack can relate to every other pack at least in that both use counters in some way.

  • x Colors : Theme those colors share - Explanation of the themes
  • u-w Blue & White : Flying - White takes an aggro approach with Angel tribal; Blue goes tempo with counter-spells and card draw.
  • u-g Blue & Green : Ramp - Blue ramps with artifacts into long-term control threats; Green takes landfall triggers into an overwhelming mid-game.
  • u-r Blue & Red : Spells - Red gets in there with spells from hand, from graveyard, and copied; Blue is controlling from the stack and digging for its finishers.
  • u-b Blue & Black : Ninjas - Blue focuses on their ninjas' unblockability; Black focuses on killing any blockers that could get in the way.
  • b-r Black & Red : Sacrifice - Black wants to recur its fodder; Red wants to steal your creatures and fling them back at your face.
  • b-w Black & White : Reanimator - White gets Serra Paragon; Black gets Lurrus of the Dream-Den.
  • b-g Black & Green : Mill - Green is wants to pull lands out of the graveyard to ramp into big threats; Black mostly wants to mill itself out completely and win with Out of the Tombs.
  • g-r Green & Red : Stompy/Haste - Green has all the best above-rate creatures; Red just wants to go fast.
  • g-w Green & White : Tokens - White is all about getting flooding the board with tons of tokens; Green wants to make copies of its big tokens and convoke out large spells.
  • r-w Red & White : Heroic - Red: Zada, Hedron Grinder. White: Illuminator Virtuoso
  • wubrg : Counters
Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
Alan Pollack
WesternPaladin -

If I may ask, what does the x-sideboard tag refer to? I couldn't see any cards that care about things outside the game.

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