Cube Mingo
(360 Card Cube)
Cube Mingo
Cube ID
Art by Franz VohwinkelArt by Franz Vohwinkel
360 Card Unpowered Silver-bordered Legacy+ Cube2 followers
Designed by bromingo
Mana Pool$307.63

This is a cube that was inspired by some of my favorite limited archetypes over the years. I try to promote synergistic, overlapping archetypes that create medium power, interactive games.

Rules Modifications

Ninjas, Rogue and Assassin are considered the same creature type

Archetypes [White Blue] Flicker / Control

Enters the battlefield effects and ways to abuse them. Go wide with ETB token generators, or play a more controlling game by bouncing & disrupting your opponent

[White Black] Sacrifice / Reanimator

Creatures that care about dying, bringing things back, or allow you to sacrifice for value. Grind up tokens as sacrifice fodder, reanimate small creatures for value, or stock the graveyard to take advantage of black's graveyard matters cards

[Blue Black] Rogue Ninja Tempo

Go low to the ground and get under your opponent's blockers. Generate value with ninjas / rogues directly, or use them as a vector to abuse ETBs. Psych out your opponent with your open mana, then leverage flash cards and instants to keep your options open

[Blue Red] Spellslinger Prowess

Run your opponent over with an aggro leaning spellslinger archetype. Focus on small, evasive creatures in blue or generate extra value by targeting the red heroic creatures with combat tricks. Or, if you're feeling more controlling, pick the higher end of the curve and bury your opponent in spell-trigger value

[Black Red] Madness / Discard

Turn your discards into upside with an aggro or midrange madness deck. Live the Jund dream by focusing on the efficient red creatures, stock the graveyard for black's graveyard matters cards, all the while getting extra value by casting the many Madness cards throughout the cube.

[Black Green] Keep the Graveyard Full

Make the graveyard your second hand with this resource efficient midrange / control archetype. Use cards in your graveyard to cast powerful Delve creatures ahead of curve, or slow the game way down and close with graveyard matters cards.

[Red Green] Go Fast, Go Tall, Go Smash

Draft efficient, overwhelming threats in this versatile archetype. Focus on ramp to crush your opponents with big threats, or live the dream curving out on your opponent and smashing face.

[Red White] Heroic Aggro

Make your creatures feel special by targeting them with combat tricks to quickly run over your opponents. The many low to the ground creatures in this archetype are made dramatically better by a few key combat tricks, which has the added bonus of making combat very difficult for your opponent.

[Green White] Tokens

Generate a variety of tokens in this flexible midrange archetype. Greens ramp allows for some of the bigger token producers to overwhelm your opponent, or focus on white's repeatable token creation through ETBs to bury your opponents in many small creatures

[Green Blue] Flash

Why have a wolf on your turn when you can have one on your opponent's turn? Flash seeks to play creatures that reward keeping your options open and react to your opponents plays. Many green threats reward you playing "draw go", and blue has a wealth of instant speed tools to reward you for doing so.

bromingo posted to Cube Mingo -
Mainboard Changelist+45, -45

The RG Archetype is being updated in this post from "Go Big, Go Fast" to a more clear "+1/+1 counters & Big Creatures Tribal". It still supports ramp and some aggressive strategies, but it has more synergistic pieces rather than individually powerful cards.

Other Updates:

  • BW gets a few more exciting Reanimation + Death Trigger synergies
  • GB gets powerful additions for self mill / reanimation
  • RB is increasingly focused on self discard, rather than the scattered "self and others" discard
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