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Premodern CubeDraft
(360 Card Cube)
Premodern CubeDraft
Cube ID
Art by DiTerlizziArt by DiTerlizzi
360 Card Cube5 followers
Designed by Selene
Mana Pool$2266.84
Premodern Cube.


  • 450 cards (360 are drafted with 8 people, rest put aside)
  • Only Premodern Legal Cards
  • Cards resemble the Premodern Constructed Format
  • Cards have high synergy with eachother
  • Cards Facilitate several Archtypes
  • Limited amount of 'Unfun" cards

How to draft:
Mix all lands, artifacts and multicolors and divide them over the 5 colors. Combine 3 cards of each pile into a booster of 15 cards.

Some important Notes:

  • It is nearly Impossible to make an artifact deck in a Premodern cube due to the few amount of artifacts. Therefore staple cards like Metalworker are not included.
  • Red is a very difficult color to build in the cube, because there are simply not enough 'good' red cards. You need the possibility to draft a sligh/burn deck, but apart from that Red is mainly a supportive color. There is a goblin archtype in the deck, but I tried to include as many golbins that also work on their own.
  • White Weenie is an all-time favorite. For a cube this brings quite some problems along with it: Weenie cards have a very low synergy and hinder creative deckbuilding. There are some aggro options in the cube, but I tried to limit the amount of combat-bears.
  • Storm is a real trap in cube. Some love it, but it only works if everything comes together and the cards you need are also wanted by other archtypes that it's very hard to bring this plan together. Brainfreeze is more of a utility card and supports archtypes like: Mill/Reanimator/Control finisher

Personal Preferences:

  • There are a lot of non-basic lands
  • A lot of graveyard interaction (and hate)
  • A lot of tutors to enhance the constructed feel
  • Relatively much midrange strategies (and some aggro to keep them in check)
  • Many cards that reward creativity and deckbuilding.
  • Relatively few cards from the old sets of premodern
    The sownside of this cube is players need to be familiar with the list to know what they can draft.

Themes and Archtypes:

  • The Rock Variants
  • Mill
  • Pink Prison
  • Enchantments
  • UW Control
  • UB control
  • UR Control
  • Sligh
  • Goblin tribal
  • Cleric tribal
  • Survival toolbox/FEB
  • Aluren combo
  • Reanimator
  • Oath/Sneakattack
  • Zombie tribal
  • Artifact Toolbox/goodstuff
  • Ramp
  • Rebels
  • Madness
  • Deadguy Ale
  • Gro-A-Tog
  • Terrageddon
  • Fires
  • Tokens
  • Future Sight Control
  • Form of the Dragon Prison
  • Hanna Artifact/Enchantment Recursion
  • Welder Shenanigans
  • Zombie infestation
  • White Weenie
  • Turbo lands
  • Sisay/Legends Toolbox
  • Psychatog
Mainboard Changelist+1, -0
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