Pauper Tribal Cube
(688 Card Cube)
Pauper Tribal Cube
Cube ID
Art by Noah BradleyArt by Noah Bradley
688 Card Pauper Vintage Cube0 followers
Designed by ratpile
Mana Pool$518.28

Welcome! This cube ignores the pauper ban list --as I felt most of the issues with cards like Atog and Gush end up just feeling fun and exciting in a limited environment-- and focuses mainly on tribal flavor and synergies!

To play:
-The packs for each player should include 1 non-basic land and 14 randomized cards from the rest of the set.
-Draft as normal

Cube Breakdown:

Each color has one humanoid (or goblinoid) creature type and some 'familiars' of another tribe or two that felt flavorful and resonant. They are as follows:

White: Humans and Mounts (pegasus & unicorns)
Blue: Wizards and Birds
Black: Zombies and Bats
Red: Goblins and Lizards
Green: Elves and Wolves

You'll notice that not every card is one of these tribes. Typically the non-tribal cards serve some purpose for the rest of the cube mechanically but, in the case of multicolor cards, sometimes there just weren't enough cards in a particular tribe to fit the card count that I wanted.

Along with the tribal synergies, there are a few mechanical themes that add some texture to the drafts and work outside of any given tribe. Here's a breakdown:

Primary Mechanical Themes:

--Artifacts / Affinity: self explanatory, artifact lands are being seeded into most packs to help with the artifact count, Atog and Disciple of the Vault are bombs for this archetype. Blue, Red, and Black have the most synergy, White and Green have the least.

--Go-Wide Creatures: classic White/Green strategy with some pieces scattered into other colors. White and Green have a good number of cards dedicated to making more creatures and some Convoke cards as a payoff. Bombs are Soul Warden/Soul's Attendant and Ivy Lane Denizen.

--Graveyard Shenanigans: Delve, sacrifice outlets and death triggers are in most colors. Flashback helps give a players things to do in longer games while keeping the overall cube's curve relatively low while Threshold helps Green pair with the other colors. Bombs are Treasure Cruise and Gurmag Angler


--Flicker: Pretty much only in Blue White, flicker really just adds a ton of potential to any ETB creature. Ephemerate and Ghostly Flicker are in here obviously and Mulldrifter is, of course, a great target.

--Fast Mana: both Red/Green and Black/Red have a lot of powerful fast mana cards at common that I couldn't resist adding. I found these cards make the format feel very powerful despite the lack of game ending bombs.

Notes and Potential Changes:

Interaction: most of the removal and interaction in this cube is focused on direct damage, combat tricks, or bounce spells. This is mainly because my play group prefers more flashy combo-like strategies over counterspells and control.
The upside to this is obvious: you get to build fun combos. The downside is that things can often snowball rather quickly. To remedy this, I'd suggest swaps:
--White: Crib Swap and/or Exile
--Blue: Snap and/or Capsize
--Black: Burnt Offering and/or Dark Ritual with Chainer's Edict and/or Snuff Out
--Red: should be okay
--Green: Tamyo's Safekeeping with Ram Through

Consistency Issues: elves and goblins are the strongest tribes when you get enough of them in your deck but tend to be the weakest without proper support. To emphasize tribal synergies, consider adding "Duplicate Vouchers" to each draft. The vouchers can be exchanged after the draft for key cards like Priest of Titania and Goblin General.

Budget: It's a pauper cube but some cards can still be a bit pricey. I kept all the cards that were within my budget so I wouldn't need to proxy. For that reason, I left out cards like Lotus Petal, even though they would likely fit well into the artifacts theme. Feel free to add it if you have it or if you're using proxies anyway. I might do the same later.

Lastly, I had a ton of fun making this so I hope you enjoy playing it!

Mainboard Changelist+0, -1
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