A standard cube from just before the eldraine rotation. Generally trying to support the following
The mono-colored aggro decks. Red and white are their usual selves, blue plays a tempo game, and green goes stompy. Mono-black aggro was not a meta deck but a friend played a reasonable build at the time and Rotting Regisaur is a hell of a card.
Control, generally a base in esper. Lots of room to play around here, and 3 color decks should be common.
Gates, Golos, Field of the Dead Scapeshift, Niv-Mizzet Reborn. Greed.
Vampires. Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord is your best friend.
Feather/heroic. Combat trick it up.
Izzet Spells, Ft. Arclight Phoenix. Some of those spells even do things.
Simic steal your stuff. Ramp into X spells. Minor flash theme.
Sac. Your stuff is better off dead.
Explore. Wildgrowth Walker is the main payoff here.
Gruul Smash.
Fixing was a bit worse than expected so trying a second set of checks. Generally cut underperformers but any of these could go back in.