Innistrad Peasants
(510 Card Cube)
Innistrad Peasants
Cube ID
Art by Josu HernaizArt by Josu Hernaiz
510 Card Unpowered Peasant Vintage Cube0 followers
Designed by CobaltSrcr
Mana Pool$90.75

Do you like Innistrad? Do you like peasant cube? Well I have a cube for you!

Short answer to how this is designed as is: I built this not too long before the Rona. A bud and I played it a couple times, made
some card substitutions, but not enough game play to really figure out what will make this ship sail. Since then I kept it in a
closet and hadn’t looked toward it until this morning (6/13).Burning vengeance is a build around (and a great one in the booster
draft). When designing cubes and selecting cards I tend to look at cards in a vacuum and ask what does this card do in its own. My
bias isn’t “correct” by most measures but a card like BV made me think ”can I cast something better in turn 3? Does this affect
boardstate?” and given that criteria I wasn’t sold on the enchantment. THAT SAID I also include Spider Spawning, another great
“build around”. SS is in there because I believe on it’s own it’s fine late game and has more likely reward with flashback too; it
doesn’t do nothing in the right deck. However, having thought about it this morning (and as I write) I do think it’s worth putting
bias aside and re-evaluating flashback in a red/blue spells archetype. Just have to dig through the bulk I have left and see what
tools I got kicking around

Mainboard Changelist+0, -1
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