The Bodleian(Bod-Lee-Inn) Cube showcases iconic and powerful cards with an emphasis on strategies that combine cards to be more than the sum of their parts. The power level is designed to allow these iconic cards to shine within and alongside archetypes which often suffocate in cubes designed to maximize individual card power. The strategies within the cube are set up to combine and cross pollinate to encourage emergent deckbuilding and present drafters with many possible directions throughout the draft. Each drafter begins with a Cogwork Librarian to enable them to speculate more effectively on many buildarounds within the cube.
These events will feature or have featured Bodleian Cube in the main event.
Cultivate an environment with exciting synergistic plays where card combinations are greater than the sum of their parts.
Maintain a high density of efficient threats and answers within the cube while omitting cards which are so powerful that they make synergy irrelevant.
Ensure that games are fun to lose as well as win. People lose in every game of Magic and there’s a notable difference between a fun and unfun loss.
The aggro, midrange, control combat triangle is a core part of this cube. Combo decks are intentionally excluded.
Archetypes are not typically tied to one specific color pair. This encourages emergent decks and prevents on-rails drafting.
The narrowest cards in the cube should be among the most desired in the decks they’re desired by.
Generic removal spells are typically kept out of gold sections to encourage cross pollination of archetypes and discourage five color good stuff.
Cards with hexproof, shroud, and protection are minimized to enable more interactive gameplay.
Game state agnostically powerful blue instants are restricted to encourage blue decks to engage in combat.
There is main-deckable removal for planeswalkers, enchantments, and artifacts to ensure that these card types are still interactive. As a result, there is no cap on any specific card type.
Bodleian Cube is Baltimore Singleton (There are duplicates of fixing lands). There is great fixing in the cube to support all decks. Five color good stuff piles are kept in check by the speed of the fastest decks in the format.
There is no fast mana in the cube.
These draft rules enable the highly synergistic decks to come together, even without the entire cube being drafted.
This cube is named after the Bodleian Library in Oxford, England. It shares two key similarities with this famous library.The Bodleian Library was among the first to popularize an elaborate registry of donors to showcase their generosity. In Bodleian Cube, the winner of each draft signs a basic land, showcasing their skill to all drafters to come. In addition, a helpful Cogwork Librarian will find players what their deck needs during the draft.
The decks in the Bodleian Cube all complete on the tempo vs attrition axis and the proactive vs reactive axis. There are no combo decks in the cube and nearly all decks must play to the board in order to win. The well positioned decks in any given draft have a good idea of where they fall on both of these axes. There are many archetypes within the cube, but a “Spellslinger” deck is still going to fundamentally have a gameplan such as Midrange, Control, or Aggro. Decks which do not have a cohesive identity on these two axes will struggle.
This is not a cube where each color pair has a given archetype. This design approach is often an oversimplification which can lead to on rails drafting and lack of emergent decks in the format. Instead, the Bodleian Cube focuses on having a diverse selection of archetypes that cross pollinate well with each other and encourage emergent deckbuilding. This rewards creative drafters and enables them to find unique decks that can change multiple times in a given draft based on the cards they choose to add.
Below are descriptions of many of the high level archetypes within the Bodleian Cube. There are far too many combinations to list all of them, but this list is a great starting point for anyone trying to draft the cube or learn about its design. Each archetype has colors listed next to it which are in the format of Primary Color(s) / Secondary Color(s). For example, an archetype listed as /
is primarily in white and red and secondarily in black. As a final note, this list is not going to cover the generic two color midrange decks that are achievable in all color pairs. One can absolutely combine the bread and butter cards in two color pairs to make a coherent deck, but these are not explicitly designed around. The Bodleian Cube is designed to reward drafters for synergy in their decks.
The aggro archetype use efficient, low cost threats to get the opponent's life total to zero as quickly as possible. This deck wins by killing the opponent before they can get their bigger threats into play and stabilize. The mana base of Bodleian Cube tends to enable two color aggro decks more readily than monocolor ones.
Rx aggro decks are the fastest in the format due to their hasty threats and burn spells which can kill the opponent if they stabilize on board.
Wx aggro decks lack the burn of their Red counterpart but make up for it with access to stronger removal and disruption. This clears the way for highly efficient creatures and planeswalkers to kill the opponent quickly.
The aristocrats archetype attacks opponents on a different axis by gaining value from its own creatures dying. By combining sacrifice outlets, sacrifice fodder, and sacrifice payoffs this deck can grind the opponent out or kill them outright. These decks can play very fast, or opt to grind out the game with a slower plan.
Yawgmoth, Blood Artist, Goblin Bombardment, and many other cards commit a crime every time a creature dies. This can loop Miner for or make two Gisa tokens every single turn. When this engine comes together it wins the game quickly, and comes about as close to combo as one can get in this cube.
The artifacts archetype is somewhat self explanatory. Build around the engines which care about artifacts and include artifacts and card that create them in your deck
Stoneforge decks are powerful in Bodleian Cube, but play much more fairly than in cubes where Kaldra Compleat is an option. Do not let that trick you into thinking the card is not worth including in your deck. Looping Cryptic Coat or dropping a snap on equipment like Maul mid combat are powerful lines that win games.
The control archetype is all about disrupting the opponents plan and winning with inevitability. In this cube, you are unlikely to stick to pure draw-go or tap-out style control. The best control decks here blend the two styles and know what cards are worth tapping out for. Winning the game quickly once the corner is turned is also key.
There is not a hardened scales deck in this cube, but there are plenty of good cards that put counters on creatures and several creatures that get significantly more powerful when extra counters are put on them. When both kinds of cards are added to a deck the player gains access to some explosive lines of play.
Delirium decks seek to accumulate many card types within the graveyard. They can cover the entire range from proactive to reactive, but all of them need to be careful about how many cards they include which need to consume cards from the graveyard in order to function.
The flicker archetype is all about gaining value by repeating ETB triggers with flicker effects. It can play a variety of speeds based on what creatures are put into the shell
The lands matter archetype is all about getting additional value from playing lands. Fetch lands and ways to play lands from the graveyard are key to powering up the payoffs such as Tireless Tracker and Titania, Protector of Argoth.
Ramp out your payoffs early then use crucible effects to repeatedly play lands from the graveyard to gain value.
Field of the Dead uses its namesake card as a value engine in games that go late. This tends to come together as a ramp deck that can play multiple lands per turn and uses Field as a win condition. Tutors for lands as well as extra payoffs for those tutors both help the deck succeed.
The legends deck rewards the drafter for using legendary creatures or permanants.These payoffs give a different texture to a aggro or midrange shell and are significant threats when built around.
The Lurrus deck is dependent on an early Lurrus open, but is one of the strongest in the cube when it comes together. Recurring the best one and two drops gives the deck a shocking amount of inevitability without sacrificing the ability to win early against unsuspecting opponents.
Properly speaking, the ninjas deck is a tempo deck in UB colors that uses ninja cards as threats. This deck’s goal is to play creatures which are hard to block, then ninjutsu in one of the haymakers which can be protected with counterspells and spot removal while it generates advantage to win the game.
The ramp archetype uses mana acceleration to play large threats ahead of curve. Mana dorks as well as muti-mana ramp spells are key to getting ahead enough of the typical mana curve to have high impact.
Dedicated cheat decks are not supported in the Bodleian Cube. There are several flavors of reanimator here, but they are all making value plays. There are no entomb + reanimate style combo decks
There are a number of cards across black and white that can return creatures or permanents with mana value 3 or less from the graveyard to the battlefield. Tiny Reanimator decks grind the opponent out with an army of these smaller creatures.
This is the version of this deck that brings back large creatures with cards like Virtue or Liliana and tends to come in the form of a Ramp/Rock deck, or a Control deck. Virtue in particular can be a one card, value reanimator engine.
Rock decks use green’s mana acceleration to get premier threats out early. They use removal and recursion to grind the opponent out of the game.
Self mill decks specialize in filling up their graveyard very quickly. This can provide pure card advantage via threats like Uro, options for engines like Six, and even can be used to win the game with Nexus of Fate.
Soul Cauldron is a card which changes a deck all on its own. The floor on the card is reasonable grave hate that can buff creatures. The ceiling is an army of Grists that create an insect every turn and take over the game. There are lots of great activated abilities to make use of with Cauldron, and your opponent’s cards ensure that every matchup provides unique lines to find.
The spells matter archetype plays lots of instants and sorceries as well as cards that care about casting them. They can play a faster flash style of tempo strategy or a slower grindy strategy quite comfortably. It is worth noting that a true “protect the queen” style of delver deck is unlikely to come together in a cube with such high value curve topping plays.
The stompy archetype is about using manadorks to cast midrange threats ahead of curve to take over the game. They differ from a traditional ramp deck in that they are more about playing three, four, and five drops faster than normal rather than the larger creatures ramp decks want to cast.
There are Ux tempo decks which don’t lean into any of the other archetypes in the format. These all aspire to play enough threats and use answers to disrupt the opponent just long enough to win.
The tokens archetype is the quintessential go-wide strategy in this cube. Overwhelm the opponent with too many attackers to block, or pump the entire board to go for the kill. This deck is one of the most flexible when it comes to speed. Aggro decks love to go wide with tokens, and even ramp decks can make use of their potential to great effect.
Drain TokensThe drain based tokens deck leverages death triggers in black to force a no win situation by attacking with tokens to force damage through and kill the opponent.
Chariot is such a cool card that it is worth highlighting a couple unique tokens it can copy. Esika’s Chariot + Ob Nixilis, the Adversary feels like cheating the first time it happens, but the X value for the token is copied, resulting in an army of Mob Nixilis tokens. Vaultborn and Gruff Triplets are more straightforward, but explosive to pull off.
Taking multiple turns at once is a very powerful strategy. There are only a couple of turns spells in the cube, but there are many ways to copy them and get them back from the graveyard to build a deck around the strategy.
WinotaThe Winota archetype centers all around the namesake card. She requires a deck that’s split between human and non-human creatures to overwhelm the opponent with a tide of humans from the deck. Prioritize larger humans and lower MV non-humans to maximize her potential.
This update could actually have happened at any time. I am testing a total of two cards from Aetherdrift in this cube. I was hoping for more options coming out of the set, but my overall vibe is that the set contains a lot of cool cards for decks that I’m not trying to support here. There are some cool designs, and I hope it makes for great gameplay in other cubes.
The current “arc” that this cube is on has been to slightly power down and enable an even greater number of possible decks coming out of the draft. It is still important to me that Bodleian be a home for iconic cards like Fable of the Mirror Breaker, Thoughtseize, and Snapcaster Mage, but I find myself looking at the most powerful cards from supplemental sets with more and more trepidation over time. There are great highlights from these sets such as Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student and Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd that are powerful and synergistic with the strategies that are supported in the cube in a way I love, but many of the cards just do not spark joy and are too powerful relative to their fun content.
So for this update, I am aiming to bolster the support for some strategies that should benefit from a little bit more density and to add one or two spicy buildarounds. White is getting a small nerf in this update as well based on its very strong performance in recent drafts, particularly at Vertex Philadelphia. There will never be perfect color balance in a cube (unless it is monocolor) but white’s performance is such that it deserves a bit of a cut from the top.
SwapsKeen-eyed Curator -> Scavenging Ooze - Tracking the curator is a bit annoying, and given the high token density in this cube I’m reluctant to tolerate other forms of work for the players in games. I also like the easier to cast, harder to activate nature of Scooze as well as the use of counters to represent its power and toughness.
Negate -> Force Spike - Blue’s performance has gone up with the recent changes, but I feel it is appropriate to expand its options for one mana interaction. Force spike will be live for a long time in this cube, especially relative to some similar cubes which tend to curve lower.
Venser, Shaper Savant -> Vendilion Clique - Venser is an elegant card, but with the recent addition of Enduring Curiosity, Sphinx of Forgotten Lore, and Jace the Mind Sculptor it is just not as desirable. VClique is coming back in to offer some much needed info and hand interaction for a blue deck along with a better body.
AddsTameshi, Reality Architect - The first spicy buildaround of this update. Tameshi is a really cool card, with some interesting options for recursion in this list. I am excited to see what players will put together with the card.
Emry, Lucker of the Loch - Not as cool as Tameshi, but another way to recur artifacts and a way to add cards to the graveyard. I expect Emry to play a nice glue card between several archetypes and have some creative lines to play.
Aether Spellbomb & Chromatic Star - Both of these cards are cheap artifacts that can be sacrificed and recurred for value. This makes them reasonable floor cards that support delirium, artifacts, and graveyard strategies. They’re also great with some specific cards like Urza’s Saga and Lurrus of the Dream-Den These are not cards anyone is going to slam p1p1, but they’re going to make a lot of decks and enable some cool strategies.
Storm’s Wrath - A Languish variant which hits planeswalkers. I want this card to add more options for Rx controlling decks, alongside Burn Down the House. Being able to hit walkers too adds an interesting angle for Rx decks and the combination of both should allow for bigger midrange and controlling red decks to show up more often.
Stitcher’s Supplier & Aftermath Analyst - The emergent rise of graveyard strategies has been awesome to see lately. The cards from the second half of 2024 have definitely made these decks more desirable as a whole. These two graveyard fillers are coming in to increase the density of yard filling effects. Both also play with other synergies present in their given colors for an additional bonus.
Tasigur, the Golden Fang - Coming back in as one more GY payoff in black. Lots of decks are interested in a very efficient creature and Tasigur fills that slot nicely.
Satoru,the Infiltrator - I wanted to test this card on release, but finding space in Dimir is always a challenge for me. I’m all for unbalanced gold card sections, but Dimir already tends to have the most of any guild. I want the ninja theme to come together more often and Satoru should help make that happen. He is a great payoff for any ninja via card advantage, and ties the deck in with a lot of black’s recursive threats. He is also a ninja himself, so he triggers Yuriko, and is a 2/3 menace for 2 at baseline.
Recruiter of the Guard - There are a few cards in this cube I often think about breaking singleton for. Cards like Recruiter make this feel much less necessary. When I looked at the number of cards this can get in the cube, I was shocked I hadn’t considered it previously. I am most excited about Stoneforge Mystic, but about 100 of the 178 creatures in the cube are tutorable by this card.
Wilderness Reclamation - This card will be narrow, but I’m convinced it is worth the test to see what it can do to UGx decks. It is a single card that has the potential to create an entirely new deck, and that is well worth a slot if it comes together. Casting something like Nexus of Fate multiple turns ahead of schedule is a powerful reward for making this deck come together.
Biogenic Ooze - I had this card a long time ago and cut it for being too strong. That is not a concern in the current iteration of the cube, and the fact that it cares about tokens, lots of mana, and counters makes it a nice fit in a variety of green decks. The activated ability works very nicely with Wilderness Rec, which is also a motivator for trying it in this update.
Aetherdrift AddsBasri, Tomorrow’s Champion - Legendary Savannah Lions are one of my favorite types of cards to swap into the cube. They go so nicely with the legends decks. Basri’s cycling is a huge upside for aggro decks, especially when topdecked late in the game. The cat protection clause is niche, but it is a cool dream for a Lurrus deck.
Brightglass Gearhulk - This could simply be the latest in a long line of Selesyna cards I end up unhappy with. It could also be awesome. Getting Saga, Goldevein Hydra, or Retrofitter Foundry is big upside on a stat monster of a card. This is one of those cards I’m adding without a plan to see what drafters do with it.
Cuts worth discussionGiver of Runes - This is the primary cut from the top that is happening to white decks. Giver is an incredibly powerful, flexible, and low cmc threat. The threats in this cube already generate a large amount of value, often in the face of removal. Giver just blows out removal by existing, demanding a second spell to deal with whatever the threat in question is. I originally added it to the cube as a draw into white, and I no longer think it is necessary to do that.
Maul of the Skyclaves - I am not sure if this or Celestial Armor will ultimately end up in the cube, but for the time being I am testing armor and putting Maul into the mainboard.
The Wandering Rescuer - This card has performed extremely well, and that makes it another candidate for cutting down white a bit. Instant speed, surprise protection from removal spells can make this card a blowout. Currently I want removal to be a bit less of a risk against white, so this card has to go.
Hard Evidence - Fellow cube designer and friend Parker/LandofMordor has sold me that this card is not actually fun. Tamiyo provides more value and interesting decisions about whether to attack and get clues.
Overlord of the Floodpits - The white and black overlords have been stand out cards that are incredibly fun to play with. This one has felt very replaceable by comparison, so it is coming out to make room.
Stalactite Stalker - Descend is a poorly designed mechanic that is clunky. This card is cool, but Nethergoyf does a lot of what it does with a much more elegant design.
Massacre Girl, Known Killer - I quite like this card as a board dominating baneslayer, but it also does not pull players in any particular direction. This makes it a reasonable cut to make room for cards that do.
Balustrade Wurm - Uncounterable five drops are just not a pleasant design space. Control decks should have an advantage against midrange, who are the primary decks that want this style of card.
Mosswood Dreadknight // Dread Whispers - I love the flavor on this card, but it is mostly a generic beater in the cube. I am not that excited to loop it for value compared to what decks can do with that mana and other cards. It is going straight into Midwinter, my snow desert cube where the flavor is perfect.
Assimilation Aegis - This card has some cool story moments, but is also cumbersome to track and fairly replacement level overall. I also really do not like the flavor.
Carnage Interpreter - I expected this card to get picked very heavily and drafters have just not been interested in it. It does not spark joy for me, so it’s an easy cut as a result.
Psychic Frog - I decided to cut this card before I got sick of it. I have a fondness for it, but I think it may be too powerful relative to the amount of interesting play space it brings to the cube. I’m not banning it, it could come back in the future, but for now it is going to take a break. It does not spark the same joy as busted card like Phelia, which I think needs to be the bar for