A mono colored mini cube similar to Box of Free Range Goblins.
Blue is trickier to build this worth than Red because the control elements are much stronger and the aggro elements are non-interactive (Lord of Atlantis mirrors? Flash Fliers crashing into each other? Yuck). Instead, I went in on a strong Mill theme.
Laboratory Maniac gets 4 copies here, but otherwise this is a straight forward cube design. The Maniacs open a nice tension between aggressively milling your opponent or yourself, so I wanted there to be a critical mass to draft. Thassa’s Oracle and Jace could also serve as extra copies, however they push the budget and are far less interactive than maniac.
This cube is slightly larger (75 cards) for two reasons. First, like with arc slogger in the goblin cube, opening up options for deck size seems like a fun place for these cubes to explore so providing a few extra playable means that maybe you build bigger than necessary to avoid decking. The second was thinking about this cube being played by more than two players. With 3 players, each player drafts 25 cards from the entire cube. That’s cutting it pretty tight, but if you drop the minimum deck size by 5 for each extra player you could easily build a 15 land/20 spell deck from that pool. 4 players get 18 spells and 12 lands to build exactly a 30 card deck.