hot buns
(455 Card Cube)
hot buns
Cube ID
Art by Rebecca GuayArt by Rebecca Guay
455 Card Cube7 followers
Designed by Feldguy
Mana Pool$20025.32

Archetypes (name - colors. description)

  • Monored - Base r + b sometimes. Count to 20 .
  • White weenie - Base w + b sometimes. Count to 20 with white.
  • Xerox - Base ur + other colors sometimes. Play cantrips and win.
  • Dork mid - Base g + other colors sometimes. Dork + Chonk + whatever your other color does.
  • CoCo - Play a bunch of 3 mana creatures
  • Control - Base u + b and/or w + sometimes r. Interaction + card advantage + planeswalker
  • Blink - Base w + u and/or g. Epehemerate + good card, also Spellseeker & Soulherder.
  • 3 color goodstuff. You don't need to have synergy! Just play the good cards.



Like - These are enjoyed by players, not looking to cut these.

Test - I don't know how powerful these are or if they play well.

Broken - Broken cards I am considering cutting for being too powerful or oppressive, + nonsingleton breaks that may be deemed excessive even if the cards themselves are not.

Mainboard Changelist+2, -0
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