Innistrad Themed Cube
(698 Card Cube)
Innistrad Themed Cube
Art by Sam BurleyArt by Sam Burley
698 Card Unpowered Set Cube0 followers
Designed by Autofigure
Mana Pool$499.63

**I'm currently working on updating this cube and I am also planning on upping the size as well.

This is an old singleton Innistrad set cube I built (but had taken apart) made for a max 12 person draft (or 10 person with 18 card boosters, or 8 people with 22 card boosters and 4 cards left out). This cube includes cards from every Innistrad based set and also includes cards printed outside of those sets with characters or flavor text / art that signifies it is from Innistrad (with some flexibility for vague cards). I did choose to exclude some of the heavily "eldrazified" cards outside of cards that really support original Innistrad block / shadows over Innistrad archetypes such as werewolves that transform into eldrazi. You can also find this cube on Tapped Out here:

I am now rebuilding and upgrading this cube with the newer "Innistrad" themed cards from the MH1/2 sets and commander products, and I will also be making changes once Innistrad: Midnight Hunt and Crimson Vow are released (I am QUITE excited for those to release).

  • The original rendition of this cube also didn't have Liliana of the Veil, Snapcaster Mage, Cavern of Souls, etc. since I was quite young and had a lower budget back then vs now, so I plan on eventually adding all of the high end cards eventually.

Once the cube is updated and fixed up I'll go through and make a complete primer of the different archetypes, strategies, combinations, distributions / balancing issues, etc.

~ Archetypes ~
wu White / Blue (Spirits)
wg White / Green (Humans)
ub Blue / Black (Zombies / Mill)
br Black / Red (Vampires / Madness)
rg Red / Green (Werewolves)
wb White / Black (Aristocrats / Reanimator)
wr White / Red (Aggro Humans)
ur Blue / Red (Spells / Flashback)
ug Blue / Green (Clues / Flashback)
bg Black / Green (Delirium)
~ Sub-Archetypes ~
r Devils
b Triskaidekaphobia
wug Bant Clues
wb+r Aristocrats / Tokens
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