In the spirit of neoclassicism, I am not strictly limiting myself to cards printed in the pre-modern era. Newer printings of cards are permitted, though they must clear a high bar for inclusion, ideally calling back to a classic card. They may not:
This cube is played unsleeved and features heavily played and damaged cards accordingly. If you have any especially trashed or naively altered versions of any of these cards, please email me at
As I've explored this cube I've gotten better at identifying the broad design patterns of "old-school" Magic:
One detail of old school Magic I am trying to capture is the naïveté of the early days of Magic R&D. I want to recreate the era of Magic where absolutely egregious, broken cards were played alongside total jank.
This list is very much a work in progress.
It's always super unfortunate when stuff like this happens; I wonder if something like Elvish Warmaster could be a decent shout? Yes, it's a two drop, and it seems like you're looking for something more akin to the top end of the Selesnya tokens deck, but the card seems like it could be powerful in your environment. It's a great mana sink, has good synergy and is roughly $1. As an added bonus, the art fits the vibe of your cube. Love the Podcast.