The Dank Jank
(420 Card Cube)
The Dank Jank
Cube ID
Art by Clint CearleyArt by Clint Cearley
420 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by DjinnAndTonic
Mana Pool$1317.07

This cube is meant to be create a more casual friendly draft experience, foregoing the staple archetypes in favor of cool shit while maintaining lots of synergies. Meant to be drafted in 4 packs of 12, you should always end up with an interesting pool to build around.


A number of draft-affecting cards are included to make things more interactive. Booster Tutor is just fun.


Every color has at least two Mutate creatures. I wanted to include all of them but some were just bad.. the ones included are meant to be viable outside of drafting a "mutate" deck and other creatures are included based around possible interactions when mutated.

Mystical Archive

Included whenever possible

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