Zendikar Cube
(363 Card Cube)
Zendikar Cube
Art by Vincent ProceArt by Vincent Proce
363 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by tapescripter
Mana Pool$862.45
Zendikar Cube

Cube based around Zendikar Archetypes (Allies, Landfall etc.). Wherever possible, cards from all of the Zendikar sets should be used (including characters from Commander sets etc.)
I count Omnath, Yarok and Obuunas "Bonus" Buildarounds.

Archetypes uw Party Mechanic bw Lifegain, Midrange rw Allies gw Landfall / Tokens bu Mill ru Spells gu Ramp rb Aggro gb Aristocrats gr Landfall
Special Rules

"Ally" also counts towards the party mechanic

Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0

Good for Aggro Token strategies and against Control Boardwipes.

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