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Five Fifty Budget Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Five Fifty Budget Cube
Cube ID
Art by IzzyArt by Izzy
360 Card Budget Vintage Cube7 followers
Designed by BeardedSasquatch
Mana Pool$86.01

Medium power level, archetype focused cube that is budget enough to take on the road.

All Cards currently cost less than Five Dollars & must have been available for less than Fifty Cents at some point.

Current prices checked after each standard set release
Lowest price checked against MTG Stocks
(Last Reviewed - Duskmorn)

UW - Blink
UB - Reanimate
RB - Treasure
RG - Lands
WG - +1/+1 Counters
WB - Lifegain
GB - Graveyard
UG - Big Spells
UR - Spells
WR - Tokens

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