Invasion Cube
(403 Card Cube)
Invasion Cube
Cube ID
Art by Dana KnutsonArt by Dana Knutson
403 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by Fabrakh
Mana Pool$132.37

Cube for limited play of the Invasion block (Invasion, Planeshift, Apocalypse). Out of all cards in the cube, 24 packs are semi-randomized with 15 cards in each containing 1 non-basic land, 1 rare, 3 uncommon & 10 commons.

Non-basic lands: 26 (of which 2 will end up in the sideboard randomly)
Rare: 65 (of which 41 will end up in the sideboard randomly)
Uncommon: 72 (all will be played). Note: Rarity shift Glimmering Angel, included as Uncommon
Common: 240 (all will be played, there are 2 of each common to ensure that most are playables).

Preparation for play:

  • Sort all cards by non-basic lands, rare, uncommon & common.
  • Shuffle all piles except of the commons and take 24 non-basic lands and 24 rares from these piles and put the rest in the sideboard.
  • Also sort all commons by colour and and put the double copies beside each other.
  • Deal out this sorted stack of commons into 6 stacks of 40, switching the order of the deal as you go.
  • Shuffle each stack of 40, then deal out 4 packs of 10 from each stack.
  • Shuffle all of the uncommons and deal 3 onto each pack.
  • Shuffle all of the rares and deal 1 onto each pack.
  • Shuffle all of the nonbasic lands and deal 1 onto each pack.

The packs are now ready to be draftet!

2 Lands
41 Rares

Mostly 3 and 4 colour decks.

Kind of archetypes:
(Rakdos) RB: Aggro
(Gruul) RG: Aggro
(Boros) RW: Aggro
(Golgari) BG: Midrange
(Orzhov) BW: Midrange
(Selesnia) GW: Midrange
(Simic) UG: Midrange
(Dimir) BU: Control
(Azorius) UW: Tempo
(Izzet) RU: Tempo

(Jeskai) RWU: Aggro
(Jund) GRB: Aggro
(Naya) RWG: Aggro
(Mardu) RWB: Midrange
(Abzan) WBG: Midrange
(Sultai) UGB: Midrange
(Temur) UGR: Midrange
(Esper) WUB: Control
(Bant) WUG: Control
(Grixis) RUB: Control

Mainboard Changelist+0, -1
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