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Xeno's Uncommon Cube
(720 Card Cube)
Xeno's Uncommon Cube
Cube ID
Art by Scott M. FischerArt by Scott M. Fischer
720 Card Cube6 followers
Designed by cxfish
Mana Pool$329.07

Silver rarity symbol since 2015.
720 cards, supporting 16 people for draft, this is it: the pinnacle of Magic: The Gathering.
If a card is foiled, that means someone choose to foil it from their draft deck after going 3-0 in an 8+ person draft.
It's been a labor of love, hope you enjoy it.

Retired Card list:
Animus of Predation by 24.Edgar Elliott (2nd foil) & 43. Gabriel Mullen (2nd Foil)
Shrine of burning rage by 12. Adam Pauley & 52. Xeno Fish (3rd foil)
Rilsa Rael by 66. Zev Cook (3rd foil) and 69. Gabriel Michaels
Palace Jailer by 27. Jeremy Button & 73. André Judd (2nd foil)
Faewild caretaker by 67. Isaiah Scholes (7th foil) and 79. Caleb Meyers (8th foil)

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