(600 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Tyler JacobsonArt by Tyler Jacobson
600 Card Multiplayer Vintage Cube13 followers
Designed by anythingarax
Mana Pool$4909.50
Welcome to the Wasteland

A spiritual successor to the Desert Cube by Loxodon_Meyerach, Wasteland refreshes the design poised by the challenge poised by a cube where one must use the limited resources of their pack in their entirety.

This cube is designed for 4 players with 5 packs of 10 cards each, where all draft decks cannot use basic lands or other cards from outside the draft pool. Design choices and spoilers are below the cube's flavor text.

w-pu-pu-pb-pr-pg-pg-p . . .

Powerstone Dynamo # # # # # S T A B L E # # # # #
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Just mere hours ago researcher Alexi and I finalized the results of hour test, with her ability of artifice and my perfecting in focusing this primal magic that runs like a current through the ground and air of the land, we were able to open a hole to a world unlike anything we have seen before. It was brief but with a few more attunments we may be able to soon show results that are magnified much greater than a peek.

w-pu-pu-pb-pb-pr-pr-pg-pg-p . . .

Powerstone Dynamo # # # # #   S T A B L E # # # # #
Accessing Log -)(- connected: [o][o][o][o][o][  ]

These past hours have been unprecedented, I had the highest of hopes but with this new material I can see potential for infinite mana. While it is able to power most aspects of the equipment I feel devoid of all essence when I attempt to cast spells with it, though I will not deny a retrosense of excitement after slinging spells that were before hand capped by what I believed were the limits of physical potential

u-pu-pb-pb-pr-pr-pg-pg-p . . .

Powerstone Dynamo   # # # #   S  T A B  L E   # # # #
Accessing Log -)(- connected: [  ][o][o][o][o][  ]

These past weeks have been a surreal nightmare that only seems to fall deeper into insanity. The legion too to the skies in droves, blotting out the sky that usually signals their grace and order, but even on that day there was clearly something foul of their mobilization. Then, the distress when they just... began to fall from sky... I cannot speak of the details. Alexi and I have been asked by the members of the Senatus Concul along with the other researchers to identify the root of the problem, but each day that passes I only tire of their incessant droning and demands.

cccb-pb-pr-p . . .

Powerstone Dynamo     #    W   A R N  I  N G     #  
Accessing Log -)(- connected: [  ][  ][ o ][  ][  ][  ]

Our attempts to reverse what we have done have failed. The horror that swallowed the sky has left those out there as mana hungry parasites, and in desperation it seems nature has awoken it's carrion feeding growth to consume the dead, but Alexi knew that the ability to regenerate mana is futile in what was once our home, now wasteland. I will take the last mutation gene we created, far less rampant than 2R... as for what I will become.... I know I will survive

Archetype Spoilers

This cube is very much still a work in progress, as of writing it is spoiler season for Kaldheim, which turned out to be pretty good for this cube. More concrete archetypes are higher on the list in no particular order.

Land Destruction
Names Matter

  • Angels
  • Advisors
  • Vampires
  • Goblins
  • Fungus & Saprolings
  • Eldrazi
    Cast/Enters the Battlefield Matters
    And a whole lot of artifacts and lands


lol, Yeah land destruction and mill. I guess I probably should start with the actual draft itself, it certainly is a bit different attempting to manage getting lands to cast your spells while also having enough spells that impact the board signifigantly.

So why land destruction and mill?

As evidenced by wotc's five color cube on magic online, the reason it's fun to draft splashy decks in cube is because you have to plan your expected fixing during the draft, and you are rewarded for being able to manage your choice in picks. If every draft you have to put in no effort to get a 5 color deck with all the playables you want, things start to feel repetitive.
As such, a set which focuses on drafting lands just so you can have the ability to even cast your spells, it would feel like a missed opportunity to not interact with that part of the game to the extent that it is possible. Of course, this doesn't mean the land destruction deck may not be oppressive, but in an effort to counter act this I focused on adding spells that either provided a big reward without having lands, or spells that could directly counter act land destruction while also supporting broad answers.

And the mill?

Blue needed to get lands into the graveyard, and needed a card that would care about other cards with the same name, and persistent pertitioners fit the gameplay much better being able to do something even if you can't get two or more copies. Mill is really hard to balance, but I advise you to look over the list and see the focus on 1 or 2 card mill instead of over the top glimpse the unthinkable.

Tribal and Names

Something Loxodon_Meyerach and I came to the same conclusion on is that a cube that focuses on drafting lands should also try to fit the cards not often seen in cubes that ask you to draft more of them. I don't think it's necessary for the lands draft idea, but without it there almost feels like there's no interesting mechanic that can exist along side drafting basic islands. It certainly did create some interesting results, I will note my choice to include multiples of the same card that didn't actually care about other copies of each other. Some of these support the tribal strategies inherent in caring about cards with the same name, and others are so useful in archetype diversity that it allows for a few more aspects of drafting the same card that it otherwise unseen in most cubes.

Have fun drafting!

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