The Gigantic Ravnica Cube
(1920 Card Cube)
The Gigantic Ravnica Cube
Cube ID
Art by Cliff ChildsArt by Cliff Childs
1920 Card Cube3 followers
Designed by ColdlifeOracle
Mana Pool$499.37

This cube is designed to be a giant and highly redraftable Ravnica cube.
The two forms of drafting:

  1. Seed packs of 12 so that each has exactly 1 Rare, 3 Random Uncommons and 8 random commons, then give 4 packs to each person.
  2. Seed packs of 15 so that each has exactly 1 Rare, 3 random uncommons and 10 random commons, then give 3 packs to each person.
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