Cards I Own Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Cards I Own Cube
Cube ID
Art by Eric FortuneArt by Eric Fortune
360 Card Peasant Modern Cube6 followers
Designed by Narvuntien
Mana Pool$141.16

So this started life as just a pile of cards I owned. This lead to me using Modern Peasant as my cube restrictions as that is the
kind of cards I owned. Since then it has become a project to find and foil it out. Thankfully WoTC has helped with their master's
sets and promo printing policies as such it continues to get shinier and shinier. I have excluded supplemental products only
including cards that would be legal in modern (if not banned). Also Skull Clamp, Sensei's Divining Top and Loxodon Warhammer.

Modern Peasant means that the cube leans towards creature combat and more aggressive decks as some of the more powerful
counterspells or combo enablers are not in the format. However, I have tried to make Control (Which tends to be based on repeating
etbs) and Reanimator decks viable.

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