The Unfortunate Cube
(540 Card Cube)
The Unfortunate Cube
Art by DiTerlizziArt by DiTerlizzi
540 Card Silver-bordered Multiplayer Vintage Cube3 followers
Designed by purge
Mana Pool$6678.32
The Un-fortunate Cube Introduction

This is a multiplayer silver-bordered cube that supports both silver border and uncommon black-border archetypes. It's meant to be drafted with a table of 8, splitting off into two pods for multiplayer free-for-all games. Basic lands have varying arts from John Avon (most have trees somewhere in the art). A full singleton contraption deck exists, and I'm still experimenting with how to best implement it as part of the draft. Most recently, players can remove a card from their pool as they draft it to choose a contraption from one of the top two contraptions.


Most decks in the cube will be in shards or wedges. Given that the cube is meant to be played as a multiplayer game, there isn't an explicit aggro archetype. That said, some of the archetypes can find themselves in the aggro position if they pick up the right cards.

Critters wug

Tokens matter is a grindy, midrange shard that tries to finish games by pumping out critters and going wide. Some sleeper picks here might be the surprising powerhouse Symbol Status or First Come, First Served.

Democracy wub

Voting matters is one of two political archetypes in the cube. It tries to remove early threats with spot removal before gaining value in the midgame through group voting. In the late game, extra votes ( such as Ballot Broker) at a smaller table or voting haymakers (such as Expropriate) will help close it out.

Free Market ubr

"Free Market" is a combo shard focused on winning the game by either stealing threats with cards like Phoebe, Head of S.N.E.A.K. or giving away killer deals, like Illusions of Grandeur. Brand is a clever pickup with this archetype, making all of the trade cards (such as Puca's Mischief) the worst deals in the history of deals, like, ever.

This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things brg

Contraptions are very strong, and the group slug archetype attempts to get ahead by exploiting generated value while mass-destroying all other threats. Prioritize contraption-making cards, since not many have been printed (yet). Something like Cogmentor can be absolutely devastating if you keep cycling a Sundering Fork on each of your upkeeps.

Stonewall wrg

Defenders, as might be expected, is a control deck. Deter early aggression with cheap blockers and finish strong either through chip damage (Kyren Negotiations) or ramping into some sort of alpha strike (Clan Defiance).

I'm Feeling Lucky urg

This archetype plays a very risky game, with some great payoffs if you can stack the odds. Setups like Krark's Thumb, Krark's Other Thumb, or Bamboozling Beeble can set up some devastating Hydradoodles or Karplusan Minotaurs. It is possible to roll into the winning spot with As Luck Would Have It, but you'll need a stacked deck.

Court Politics wbr

This wedge plays the table, using political will as a currency (and also maybe the Monarch token). The deck can gain a lot of momentum if its pilot is willing to bargain around cards like Besmirch, Deadly Designs, and Vow of Duty.

Counters Matter ubg

This wedge explores putting objects onto other objects. +1/+1, -1/-1, charge, luck, hour, plot, bounty, or loyalty, anything that floats your advantage boat can and should be abused in this archetype. If you brought a bag full of dice, you might be a Giant Fan of this archetype.

Artifacts Matter wur

This shard aims to cheat powerful artifacts into play, since cheating is fun! Copper Gnomes into a Modular Monstrosity to terrify your table, or Tinker into a Rules Lawyer to get pestered with questions about the comprehensive rules (you deserve it).

Toughness Matters wbg

Everyone knows Mix-a-Lot was on to something good. Toughness matters can be a very aggressive deck if it drafts the right pieces. There's nothing like Doran, the Siege Tower and Skinshifter swinging for lethal with Tower Defense pumping the team. Who needs power, anyway?

Doing some substitutions for cards that people aren't excited to see.

Lexivore is a cute card but doesn't play particularly well. Replacing it with a card that has more impact as it hits the battlefield. Thanks a lot, FIRE.

Testing Storm of Forms. This may tip the scales on the number of board clears in the cube to higher than I'm comfortable with, but I'll wait for playtest data to make a decision on whether to swap back.

Farewell to Arms is again funny but not fun. Replacing it and When Fluffy Bunnies Attack with Saw in Half and Path of the Schemer. I'm going to try adding the new voting cards, even if they start dragging Planechase elements into the game. Oh well, it's an un-cube.

I wish Goblin Kaboomist was better. It just feels so bad to lose it on the first flip. Trying Tavern Scoundrel in its place for now.

Some other minor substitutions are just removing duplicate effects or no longer relevant effects for more interesting inclusions.

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