The Shiny Silver Cube
(360 Card Cube)
The Shiny Silver Cube
Art by Terese NielsenArt by Terese Nielsen
360 Card Silver-bordered Set Cube8 followers
Designed by SirManCub
Mana Pool$83.45

The Shiny Silver Cube is a heavily modified Unstable set cube. Mostly.
It began with a box of Unstable. After drafting the box, I used the contents to assemble the skeleton of the SS Cube. I used the
typical 3/2/1 rarity ratio as a guidepost, but I had to make a number of concessions (more below).
I've recently begun to add other silver-bordered cards, keeping two guidelines in mind.First, the cube is meant to be fairly
friendly to beginning players. I've tried to keep out the more complex cards (i.e. Old Fogey) as well as any cards that
promote "unfair" play (i.e. there is only one copy of Rules Lawyer).Second, the cube is built heavily around the draft
environment created by UST. While I'm willing to bend away from that somewhat, I want the cube to feel at least marginally like a
regular cube, in the sense that there should be recognizable, synergistic archetypes - at least in theory.
Packs are best if the colors are dispersed semi-evenly, with 2 contraptions per pack. Some packs will run short, and get a 3rd

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