Khans Expanded Cube

Cube ID
Art by Jason ChanArt by Jason Chan

520 Card Legacy Cube

Designed by growingthreatRSSQR Code

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My personal cube originally based on the MODO Khans Expanded Cube, but now heavily modified. This idea is to re-create the Khans of Tarkir
limited environment, using x3 KTK as a base, but add in cards from FRF, DTK, and other sets that can support the themes here.

Supported archetypes are:

Abzan counters
Mardu midrange
Temur stompy
Jeskai Prowess/tempo
Sultai Delve/self-mill

Additional cross-wedge archetypes include:
2-5 color Warriors (WB+ between Abzan and Mardu)
2-5 color Morph (UG+ between Temur and Sultai)

Wedge-colored Commanders that synergize with the themes in draft are included to increase the amount of Gold cards in the cube and to reward committing to a clan. (By contrast, the fixing is hopefully enough to support 3-color but not generous enough to let every deck go 5-color shenanigans).

Ally-pair gold cards are included to enhance the themes of the wedge they fall into (UW spell support, GW counters, RB warriors, RG 4+ power, UB self-mill).
This cube is actively undergoing revision and is a work-in-progress.

There's not really a dragon theme in the cube for Scaled Nurturer to support, but Bristly Bill is a very high impact 2 drop for Abzan.