Champagne Taste
(480 Card Cube)
Art by Toru TeradaArt by Toru Terada
480 Card Cube1 followerDesigned by static605RSSQR CodeView in Cube Map

A slightly modified take on The Junk Drawer: A Traditional Peasant Cube

Original cube was one I was fortunate enough to have a small hand in refining. To that end I've maintained most of the decisions made in it's construction, and I highly recommend checking the OG out for yourself.

This cube has been designed to provide a fun, intuitive, and “traditional” drafting experience by bringing together fan favorite cards from across the history of Magic’s best draft formats. This is a singleton cube comprised entirely of commons and uncommons and leverages cards that have been downshifted in rarity to add extra layers of complexity. Traditional draft theory will serve you well in this cube, as the overall power level is not “flat.” There are both very good and very bad cards inside the cube, however every card serves a purpose.
Most decks will look to draft a good curve and typically be two colors, though the fixing exists to be able to make a “splash” comfortably. The environment is balanced to provide a mix of aggressive and controlling strategies for those who wish to pursue them.
Below you will find a list of example archetypes that you can draft, HOWEVER, this is not an exhaustive list. If you see a signal, or find a fun build-around card, go for it!
Cube Breakdown:
• 480 Card Cube
o Enough for 32 booster packs
o 8 person draft sees 24 packs
o 75% of the cube is seen each draft
• 73 cards for each color = 365 cards
• 25 colorless cards
• 5 multicolor cards for each color pair = 50 cards
• 4 dual lands of each color pair = 40 cards

Example Archetypes:

wu Fliers – Looking to gum up the ground and deploy threats with Flying, this archetype should prioritize strong defensive creatures and offensive evasive creatures.

wu Control – This archetype looks to slow the pace of the game, establish dominance over the board state, then pivot with an over-the-top threat. Take removal and defensive creatures early while keeping in mind to identify your finisher of choice.

wg Aggro – The traditional creature-based archetype. Draft a low curve and make sure you bring some removal to punch through your opponent’s bulky blockers.

wg Stompy – More of a midrange deck, this archetype focuses on the overall quality of its individual cards. Look to draft high quality removal and creatures that interact well with the board.

wr Tokens – This strategy looks to create as many creatures as possible, then leverage those bodies with pump or “anthem” effects. This is an aggressive strategy, so don’t be afraid to lean into aggressive cards at the cost of late game efficacy.

wr Go Wide Aggro – This archetype looks to take cheap creatures to create an early board state and then finish the game with damage-based removal that can burn your opponent down in a pinch. Look out for creatures that benefit from attacking with multiple bodies!

wr Equipment – Midrange archetype centered around powerful individual creatures and equipment synergies. Make use of various creatures/artifact synergies to establish control of the board.

wb Midrange Value – The bread and butter of this archetype are cards that produce card advantage. Look for efficient creatures that can outclass your opponent’s threats and value removal highly.

wb Aristocrats – This archetype looks to leverage the token producers of white with the sacrifice outlets and payoffs of black. Look to create multiple bodies, attack with them when you can, then find ways to get value out of them later in the game.

ub Control – Another classic archetype, this deck looks to slow down the game, answer the threats of the opponent, and then pivot late in the game to emerge victorious. Take defensive creatures and removal highly, but remember to identify a win condition as well.

ub Mill – Similar to control, this deck needs to slow the game down, but attacks the opponent on another axis entirely. Take cards that mill the opponent early in the draft, then seek to clog up the board and stall the game out.

ur Spells Matter / Blitz – A generally aggressive archetype that looks to deploy a number of cheap threats that become larger when you cast spells. This deck can be very explosive once it gets set up. Look to take enablers early and fill out your deck with cheap instants and sorceries.

ur Control – This version of control looks to leverage the damage based effects of red with the permission spells of blue. There are a number of “spells matter” finishers in the cube, so look to take one or two of them early on.

ug Ramp – This is the archetype that can leverage the very large creatures in the cube. To draft this archetype, you need as many ramp spells as possible and payoffs that can both stabilize the board for you and pivot to win the game.

ug Tempo - This archetype looks to get ahead early and stay ahead. Prioritize evasive creatures and interactive spells to keep your opponent off balance.

br Aggro / Burn – The most “all-in” of the aggressive archetypes, this deck looks to use every available resource to kill the opponent as quickly as possible. This includes both the cards in your hand, the permanents you have in play, and your life total. Draft as low of a curve as possible and lean on the damage-based removal options of red.

br Sacrifice – Similar to Aristocrats, this deck aims to squeeze as much value out of its creatures as possible. The wrinkle that red brings to the archetype are the “threaten” effects which allow you to steal your opponent’s creature and then sacrifice it to any number of effects.

bg Graveyard – To draft this archetype, look to stock your graveyard with creatures and then deploy both creature and spell-based payoffs. The payoff effects are the most important part of this strategy, so take them early and often.

bg Rock – If you find yourself in this archetype, your cards need to be better than your opponent’s. By using high-quality threats and backing them up with efficient removal, you should be able to grind your opponent down while simultaneously applying pressure.

rg Monsters – Big creatures. Attack. Smash. Look to take bulk and assertive creatures and draft a stable curve. By deploying your resources assertively, this archetype looks to run over its opponent.

rg Pump Blitz – A hybrid of blitz and tempo, this deck looks to pair the early game “spells-matter” threats of red with the pump spells and removal of green. One strength of this archetype is that pump-based combat tricks tend to go late in the draft, so this strategy can be a good fallback option to pivot into if red is your primary color.

Other Archetypes:

rX Artifacts – This archetype looks to leverage the various artifact synergies across Magic’s history to play a highly-synergistic gameplan. Notably, while your primary color is red, synergies exist across all of the colors, so any of them are viable pairs.

wbu Reanimator – This strategy has one objective: put a large creature into your graveyard and then bring it back using a reanimation spell. This deck is typically black based, but both white and blue pair well as they bring both synergy and reanimation targets.

rg Fireball – You get to be rewarded for playing the Channel-Fireball combo of old, this deck aims to cast a Fireball effect for lethal damage. This is fueled by as many ramp spells and rituals you can get your hands on.

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