This cube will be drafted by novice and expert Magic players alike. Individual cards will be simple to read and easy to understand; if you know the basics of Magic, you can play this cube without having to look up rules on your phone. There are very few flip cards. Narrow mechanics will have reminder text. Counters are exclusively +1/+1 for creatures. Cards have one or two effects at most.
Signpost gold cards indicate the ten, two-color macro archetypes. They are:
Lands and Fixing
Each color pair has a unique land that supports the colors' main archetype. For example, Black-Red has Immersturm Skullcairn to continue with the discard theme, while Blue-White can turn dead creatures into Spirits with Moorland Haunt. The dual lands are not distributed uniformly across each color pair. Instead, they match the speed of their respective archetype: Red-White has access to fast mana with Inspiring Vantage, Black-Green benefits from Surveil with Underground Mortuary, and Blue-Black can Scry to smooth draws with Temple of Deceit.
Splashing a third color is reinforced by the presence of Triomes. Wedges synergize better than Shards. I can imagine a high-functioning Mardu Tokens deck with the likes of Lingering Souls and Young Pyromancer, or a graveyard-focused Sultai deck with Stitcher's Supplier and Organ Hoarder fueling Ishkanah, Grafwidow.
Planeswalkers have minimal text and straightforward effects. Jace Beleren and Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants are included, while Kaito, Dancing Shadow and Ashiok, Wicked Manipulator are not. There is elegance in brevity.
The cube is full of low-cost, techy artifacts that deliver a toolbox feel to the draft. Recent retail sets like The Brothers' War and Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty offered complex and dynamic gameplay with cards like Mishra's Research Desk and Experimental Synthesizer, and this cube seeks to recreate some of those fun decision trees.
The graveyard is an important zone for every color. Rather than include complete hosers like Tormod's Crypt, I have seeded targeted graveyard hate at different mana values and card types throughout the cube. Cards like Diregraf Horde and Turn the Earth will keep players in check without punishing entire strategies.
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