Come to Amonkhet! Up is down, left is also down. Black is white, white is green. Blue Viziers are maintaining the environment wile black viziers are in charge of building codes. Three mana lightning bolt is top tier, The leylines are dying so mana sucks, the gods are dead, and the great deceiver is temping people to go tri-color without the evolving wilds needed to make tri-color work.
All the cards are from the plane of Amonkhet or look like they could belong there because there are some very very sad draft archetypes in the sets as shipped by wotc. Overall most of the cards are pretty sad, Amonkhet is a dying word and even among the better cards draft chaff is a compliment. To play in Amonkhet is to get down in the weeds and reevaluate what makes a card useful.
Now, denizens of Amonkhet are weak alone but strong together as so many cards work well together and so many work well with so many tactics. The poster child of this would be Sacred Cat. a 1/1 lifelinker for one that can embalm for 1. It is two cheep bodies for r/w aggro. It is a token for u/w tokens. It embalms as a zombie for b/w. It is a cat for g/w. Unfortunately not all the cards are as versatile as Sacred Cat, this cube is crammed full of cards that work in many many tactics.
The goal is that wile the draft is going on you are not restricted in color as you can pivot really easily as everything is multipurpose. However, since mana is dead on Amonkhet you will struggle to support going above two colors. unless you build the forbidden 5-color oasis ritualist pile
If you wish to watch the Gatewatch get slapped upside the head in a sandy oasis best know what each pair brings to the table. Now, in my testing the cards are so flexible and synergistic you can do multiple tactics in each color, but when building the cube these were the guide posts I was trying to hit.
Embalm/Eternalize Tokens.
Cycling Matters.
Neheb, the Worthy yolo aggro
Cats Tribal
Instants and sorceries in grave.
-1/-1 counters matter on your own creatures.
Exert aggro.
Big thing ramp.
The deck is built with the intent a table of 8 opens 3 packs of 15 each. Each pack has one mythic, two rares, five uncommons, seven commons. The card pool has one of each mythic/rare, two of each uncommon, three of each common with several evolving wilds. This along side every card will be seen in a draft means you will be able to see the scrubs you want the hold your archetype together at least a little bit.
Shout out to the Trial cycle because earning the gods favor is really good.
A love letter to my favorite MTG world.