Unstable Un-Cube
(467 Card Cube)
Unstable Un-Cube
Cube ID
Art by Matt CavottaArt by Matt Cavotta
467 Card Silver-bordered Set Cube2 followers
Designed by admiralzing
Mana Pool$113.89

Unstable set cube that includes a few cards from Unhinged and Unsanctioned. It's meant to play pretty close to a set cube with a little extra goofiness thrown in.

Unstable is based around 5 factions that have several overlapping mechanical themes:

Order of the Widget: wu
Primarily contraptions and artifacts matter.

Agents of S.N.E.A.K.: ub
Stealing things and causing trouble.

League of Dastardly Doom: br
Rolling dice! Watermarks!

Goblin Explosioneers rg
Combo of dice and goblins and contraptions.

Crossbreed Labs gw

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