Commander Draft Cube
(802 Card Cube)
Commander Draft Cube
Cube ID
Art by Kekai KotakiArt by Kekai Kotaki
802 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by souraishin
Mana Pool$713.58

4 Player Commander Draft Cube.
Featuring most of the best commons and uncommons for commander draft and some rares for archetype and color pair support

Rules altered from normal commander draft, based on a draft mode popular at my LGS:

  • 4 player draft pods, draft a commander deck
  • 1 pick per pack
  • Minimum deck size reduced to 40
  • Players may have 2 commanders if one of them is The Prismatic Piper, which each player has access to.
  • Preliminary arrangement is 3 packs of 15 cards, with each pack seeded with 1 of the 40 2-color legendary creatures.

2-color archetypes:

uw UW Blink

ub UB Sabotage

br BR Sacrifice

rg RG Smash/Power

wg WG Go-Wide

wb WB Lifegain

ur UR Spells

bg BG Grind

wr WR Aggro

ug UG Big Mana

Expect to draft a 3-color deck and try to find synergies between color pairs.

Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0
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