A cube heavily inspired by the three visits to Innistrad, the visit to Ixalan, and the original Lorwyn/Shadowmoor visit.
Azorius: Spirits, with a focus on tokens.
Dimir: Faeries, with a focus on flying and value.
Rakdos: Vampires, with a focus of life-loss.
Gruul: Goblins, with a focus on going wide.
Selesnya: Humans, with a focus on collective strength and synergy.
Orzhov: Angels, with a focus on evasion and aggression.
Izzet: Dragons, with a focus on small spells and large creatures.
Golgari: Elves, with a focus on ramp and life drain.
Boros: Giants, with a focus on large creatures and aggressive plays.
Simic: Merfolk, with a focus on tricks and +1/+1 counters.