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(1619 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
1619 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by GitaxianProbe
Mana Pool$5666.15

Split into two cube: Powered and Commander. Use the filters "tag:Powered" or "tag:Commander" for now. There are other cards in the
collection and I am currently only working on Powered.

Commander Rules:
In Progress
• Get commander to work. (See Commander Rules below)
• Slower format, 60 or 80 card decks
• No infinite combos (at least 2-3 card combos)• Shares no cards with my powered cube.• Can support 4-, 6-, and 8-person drafts.

Commander Rules:Commander Drafting
• Commanders are mixed into the draft. (PRO: Allows for dynamically changing colors. CON(PRO): Requires more active drafting.)
(Preferred method at the moment.)
• Commander boosters drafted first. (PRO: Easier to draft. CON: Colors are locked in from the beginning.)

Color Identity
• All commanders have partner so long as the resulting pair is 3 colors max.• The deck is at least the commander's color
identities. (Variation: ColorIdentity+1)

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