This is a Old School 93/94 cube.
Some things to note about this cube:
Fixing is scarce! (Prioritize the fixing you need when you see it)
Mana Burn is a thing! (If you have any unused mana when it would empty from your pool you take that much damage.)
Artifact types
Spell types
Chaos Orb (When you activate you follow all the text except you select a single permanent and destroy both if you hit that permanent or just Chaos Orb if you miss. You may move the chosen permanent to facilitate your flip.)
Falling Star (Works as indicated but you can move your opponents cards to say group them together in an attempt to hit six permanents so long as they do not overlap.)
Bands/Banding... (Banding was discontinued because it was confusing but it's still an ok ability. Basically you can treat a group of attacking or blocking creatures as one so long as no more than one of those creatures doesn't have the Banding ability. On the attack the band can be blocked by one or more creatures so long as the blocking creature(s) can be assigned to block at leas one of the creatures in the band. Defense is the same on number of creatures without Banding in the band. The advantage is the the controller of the band gets to assign how the opponent's damage is assigned to their creatures. Example would be assigning 20 damage to a 1/1 creature so the rest survive.)
Walls (Creatures with the Wall type have defender, they can't be assigned to attack.)
Old Man of the Sea is a Djinn (Look it up.)
Lord of Atlantis/Goblin King (These guys count as Merfolk and Goblin and grant their bonus to other creatures of their type.)
If you made it this far, thank you for preparing yourself and please have fun!