Multicolor Synergies Cube v.2 [630]
(630 Card Cube)
Multicolor Synergies Cube v.2 [630]
Art by Johannes VossArt by Johannes Voss
630 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by Vedran999
Mana Pool$2613.48

Cloned from Multicolor Synergies & Styles Cube [630]


Goal of this 630 , unpowered, modern cube is to enable players to draft consistent and functional multicolored decks and to reward players for achieving synergies of their decks during play.

Total cardsNon-basic landsMulticolored cardsColorless cardsMonocolored cards per colorTotal monocolored cards

Watch this video on tool for better cube drafting called "FOCUS":( Further description of this cube follows the FOCUS strategy.

F - Fixing (Mana)

(Pick lands in high rate.)

This is a cube dedicated to my love for colors of magic, multicolored decks and golden cards. In it, you will find:

  • 10 colorless cards
  • no signets
  • no talismans.

To improve mana fixing I broke the singleton rule for non-basic lands. There are 95 non-basic lands in total (15% of all cards):

  • 2 sets of fetchlands
  • 2 sets of shocklands
  • 2 sets of trilands (triomes and capenna lands)
  • 1 set of true duals
  • 1 set of checklands
  • 15 other lands
O - Open

(Pick cards that allow you to stay open and do not require commitment to any specific deck or archetype.)

This cube contains:

C - Cheat

(Look for effects that circumvent the normal rules of magic or short-circuit the general progression of the game.)







U - Unique & S - Strategy

(Look for effects that are Unique, whose density is restrained, who require specific application and do not commit you to a narrow archetype.)

(Watch for the cards that are powerful lynchpins for specific Strategy.)

To better understand what strategy, archetype, style, theme, etc mean, here is the link to: How to Organize your Archetypes and General Cube Design.

Macro Archetypes



r and w have the most 1-drops
g also has some 1-drops
wubr have great 2-drops
Choose only 1 color for 1-drops and 2-drops can be in that and preferably 1 other color
Beware of high parasitism



Most common macroarchetype
multicolored decks usually midrange
golden breeding ground for synergies
high variety



w: boardwipe, spot removal
u: counterspells, return to hand, card draw
b: hand disruption, boardwipe, spot removal
r: boardwipe, burn removal



Occasional straightforward ramp: Birds of Paradise, Nature's Lore, Skyshroud Claim
Ramp as payoff: Bloom Tender, Gala Greeters, Incubation Druid,
no talismans, no signets > g more valuable


1-2 infinite combos
no tutors
Emphasis is on synergy that does things,
not on synergy that ends things


There are no strict microarchetypes that are supported. Tribal archetypes are not supported. If you find cards like Likeness Looter, they are here because of their abilities not their subtypes.

Themes of Synergy
  • ETB & Blink
  • Graveyard strategies
  • +1/+1 counters
  • Lifegain
  • Tokens
  • Spells matter

ETB & Blink.

Anchor (Setup): ETB effects in creatures of all colors.


  • Blink effects:
  • Return to hand:
  • Reanimation: Along the already mentioned reanimation spells in Cheat, there are:

Graveyard strategies

Graveyard setup:

  • Looting:

  • Rummaging:

  • Mill:

  • Big creatures: in all colors wubrg
    Graveyard Payoff

  • Reanimation

  • Creatures/Types in graveyard matter

  • Recastable from graveyard

+1/+1 counters.

Very Varied theme both in setup and payoff. All colors wubrg have effects that place +1/+1 counters on creatures, mostly w and g.


  • effect places +1/+1 counter(s) on creature
  • effect places +1/+1 counter(s) on all creatures


  • creatures with +1/+1 counters gain abilities
  • placing +1/+1 counters triggers an ability
  • effects depend on number of +1/+1 counters or power
  • removing +1/+1 counter(s) is payment for activated ability

The easiest theme to explain. Gaining life is both setup and anchor. Various


  • direct lifegain: w{Bg
  • lifelink: w b
  • lifedrain: b
Tokens, Aristocrats and Sacrifice

All colors are capable of creating tokens but rwg and b half most such effects.
b has majority of sac outlets, while both b and r provide some form of value from creatures dying.
- token generation:
- sac outlet:
- stronger tokens:
- dies, reward:

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