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Clone of Ben's Cube (Personalized Version)
(720 Card Cube)
Clone of Ben's Cube (Personalized Version)
Cube ID
Art by David O'ConnorArt by David O'Connor
720 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by PureMountainFred
Mana Pool$13383.07

A copy of Ben Titmarsh's vintage homepage cube from CubeTutor.

For those who don't know, he was the owner of the CubeTutor website before he decided to shut it down, and he had his own cube available to view and draft from the homepage. I believe the last time he updated it was for the Aether Revolt set. For quite a while I kept the cube identical to the way he had it, but recently I decided I wanted to make some changes and so I made this version while keeping the original intact and separate, and you can still find on my profile if you want to check it out.

My changes have largely been based around adding more recent cards that got invented after the website got shut down and well as working to develop more concrete themes, but this will be an ongoing process as the cube is very powerful and contains a lot of iconic goodstuff cards.

Happy drafting :)