The Dumpster Fire Cube Project
(450 Card Cube)
The Dumpster Fire Cube Project
Cube ID
Art by Campbell WhiteArt by Campbell White
450 Card Unpowered Budget Vintage Cube23 followers
Designed by UberBear
Mana Pool$189.53

Hi, this is Anthony aka Uber Bear from the Uber Cube Podcast. I would like to say thank you for checking out the cube and if you wish to listen to the companion episodes use the following link or under Podcast on Cube Cobra. Happy Cubing!

Follow the cube here and on the Uber Cube Podcast

"The Dumpster Fire Cube" is a cube designed by Team Uber Cube consisting of ten curators as an exercise in cube curation. With a strict budget limit, the cube includes only rare and mythic cards priced under $2, excluding nonbasic lands. Despite the limited budget, the cube features an eclectic mix of bulk rare and mythic cards carefully selected by the curators to create an engaging and balanced gameplay experience.


Welcome to the Dumpster Fire Cube Project

10 Curators 1 Amazing Cube

Here is how it worked: Phase 1 The Submissions. This is a community playgroup project. We are compiling our bulk rares and mythics (not exceeding $2 US or you own a ton of card X) into a cube or something that resembles a cube perhaps. The project will be covered via the Uber Cube Podcast as we discuss the processes or lack thereof to construct a cube on a whim or an idea. What is interesting to see the power creep of additions from other unbiased curators outside of the list. By the 3rd round we can see card power pushing up. This is a neat social curator experiment and a cool way to build a group cube.

The question was how can we make cards like Spiritmonger great again?

Step 1: Assign an admin to manage the database
Step 2: Each curator submits 45+ cards to the pool.
Step 3: Tag Assignment
Step 5: Tuning the Cube (Curve, Guilds, etc.)
Step 6: Sleeve, shuffle, have fun!
Table View: Curator Additions, Order of Contribution, Color Assignments.

1st -Anthony Red (Admin)
2nd -Chris Pink
3rd -David Green
4th- Avram Blue
5th- Greg Brown
6th- Jason Turquoise
7th- Stu Orange
8th- Christian Purple
9th- Nathan Yellow
10th Josh Violet

Thanks for checking out the cube and the project.

Happy Cubing!

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