Atraxa EDH Cube
(528 Card Cube)
Atraxa EDH Cube
Cube ID
Art by Greg StaplesArt by Greg Staples
528 Card Cube4 followers
Designed by sadcracklotus
Mana Pool$3469.43

The goal of this EDH cube is to provide a fun multiplayer EDH experience, with as little hinderance to quickly drafting, building and playing as possible. This list can be used for Draft or Sealed.


The list for this cube is constructed around the best playable commanders and staples from popular archetypes including Planeswalkers, +1/+1 counters, Proliferate, Blink/Flicker, Untappers, and Enchantress, with cuts for all the cards that didn't quite fit. The resulting list is and frankly, fun as fuck. There are plenty of synergies to build around and a whole slew of interesting commander options to snag your attention!

As with all my EDH cubes, players begin the game with a free Sol Ring in the command zone. The Sol Ring can be replaced and recast with command tax as if it were a commander.
This results in basic ramp (without color-fixing), as well as one extra for each player, making the play pattern better resemble a real game of tuned EDH without diluting the card pool.
Trust me when I declare this solution is remarkably ideal and leads to fast, balanced and exciting games every time!

No Partners, Un-cards, Conspiracies, Draft-matters cards, Companions, anything like that. All cards are the most recognizable art, and full-art basics are easiest to find and remove during teardown.

Configuration Draft

The Draft configuration for this cube is as follows:
Players draft 3 packs of 20 cards, two per pick.
Plenty of legends are in the pool. Players can choose any legendary they pull to helm their deck. No color identity applies.

The Sealed configuration for this cube is as follows:
Players are dealt 100 cards.


Deck size is 60 cards (58 maindeck, +1 commander and 1 sol ring in the command zone).

No re-sleeving is required because commanders are in the pool. Commanders do not need to be seeded because they are sufficient in number to present a statistically insignificant chance of not presenting themselves in reasonable quantity in the ASFAN.

Play guide
  • Just a regular game of EDH aside from no color identity!
  • Starting life total is 40
  • Commander tax and damage are the same

As added fun, we play for a booster packs as a prize, AND players who win for the first time with any particular commander get to sign that commander's card sleeve with a gold sharpie :)
Having some "skin in the game" changes the psychology -- It's important players draft to win!

Draft guide

The cube is drafted with commanders shuffled into the packs, and is meant to be drafted like a normal cube, find the open lane and draft a synergistic deck around the archetype you find. Picking cards 2 at a time can allow you to quickly pivot into a new archetype or color.

Then, at some point during the draft finding a commander that compliments your deck. You can either find the commander to help your deck, or early pick a commander and build the deck around the commander. Be aware that doing the latter may make your deck vulnerable to creature removal if unable to run without the commander.

The size and number of packs drafted are calculated in relation to having enough playables to build a good 60 card deck, while also being able to find a commander.

The reason the draft is drafted 2 cards at a time is for speed, and so that each pack will fully wheel fewer times around. Also, it's slightly easier to pick more synergistic cards for a deck or pivot on a dime. Commander Legends introduced this solution for four-player drafts and it has become the norm for EDH cubes due to its' success in addressing the above issues!

Mainboard Changelist+0, -1
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