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Combo Menagerie
(493 Card Cube)
Combo Menagerie
Cube ID
Art by Magali VilleneuveArt by Magali Villeneuve
493 Card Powered Vintage Cube0 followers
Designed by BiOtter
Mana Pool$9310.18

"I sac my lands to Scapeshift, making and army of 5/3s with Titania!"

"Are you familiar with infinite Persist?"

"Ghostly Flicker my Archeomancer and a land, get my flicker back, and with Thousand-Year Storm, I generate infinite mana!"

"Yes, the two weird old cards DO give me infinite hasty 1/1s."

This cube is all about discovering and making BIG PLAYS, whether it's flooding the board for a steamroll or assembling a combo you just found in your hand. The Power enables you to get to the late game faster, with just enough aggro and interaction to make your victory feel earned. Let me know if you want a combo list, butmit's more fun to discover the possibilities yourself!

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